When you decide you are going to participate in one of these smackdowns you have to understand what you are getting into. This month BamaTrav is hosting the Caribbean Smackdown. Since I got my ass kicked in Lobster I thought I would try again.

Jerk chicken with coconut rice and black beans garnished with a mango and tomato and cilantro relish - cant get more simple than that. If you want the recipe for my extra sweet and extra spicy jerk rub you know how to reach me......
Doggy Jerk Rub Or
ChezWhat a Jerk Rub
1 dried cascabel chile
1 dried habanero chile
1 teaspoon thyme
10-15 whole allspice
1 teaspoon dried ginger
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
Put the whole thing in a spice mill and grind to a powder.
I took 5 legs and thighs and rubbed the jerk into boths sides generously and then I drizzled olive oil and let it sit for a couple of hours to fully marinate. (save a little bit of the rub to toss in the relish)
Preheat oven to 350
Heat an oven proof skillet to almost the smoking point and put the chicken pieces in skin side up, because of the sugar they will smoke and caramelize quickly so keep an eye on them - turn over and brown skin side as well.
Pour in a half a cup of coconut milk, cover and braise for 25-30 minutes or until the meat pulls away from the leg bone, uncover and let crisp up for a few minutes. Let chicken rest before serving to allow the juices to re-position themselves.
For the rice
Make rice ( I used brown jasmine rice in a rice cooker)
After rice is perfectly cooked and fluffed add drained and rinsed black beans, a 1/2 cup of shredded and toasted coconut and a 1/4 cup of coconut milk and fluff again.
For the relish
De seed and cube a nice ripe tomato
cube a semi ripe mango
a handful of cilantro leaves chopped
Toss everything together with salt and pepper and a little of the jerk rub and a squeeze of lime.
Plate it all up and enjoy!