Equally as we have arrived separate we will leave - that's just the way it is. We are in an existential existence all together, we are a philosophical contradiction.

Dont forget about my guest post at MarxFoods its all about the butter.
This is a wonderful Spanish red. The Condesa de Leganza Crianza 2001 is 100% Tempranillo from Spain. The color is a deep garnet red with purple undertones. The nose is a give-away: it’s going to be good! It is complex with a hint of licorice. In the mouth it feels voluptuous, round, and velvety smooth with an expressive ripe fruit, subtle yet structured tannins, and a perfect degree of dryness. The finish lingers at the back of the throat with hints of pine-sap. This wine really benefited from decanting and grew tastier with every breathing moment - delicious! I have to tell you that this red woke up considerably with the lamb chops, its bright fruitiness was a perfect accompaniment to the gaminess and rich fat.
The flavor of lamb takes me right back to my childhood in New Mexico and it has the power to do it with the very first bite. We raised sheep and typically had around 20 or so most of the time along with a milk cow and a milk goat and about as many chickens. Simple farm life is so different than life in NYC - I can tell you that much right now and I like them both the same.

Lamb chops with wild mushroom polenta and truffle oil surrounded by a mixed green salad looks complex, tasted more complex but came together in a heartbeat.
Wild mushroom polenta with oyster mushrooms, winecaps, blewits a little thyme and truffle oil created a delicate yet substantial balance. I would love to have this meal once a week - it was that good.

I forgot to mention that I won some cookies. Yup thats right it says it right here.