Very few people can boast a lack of
vanity. In fact the need to look good often transcends the need to feel good with popular sayings like "too look good is to feel good" supporting peoples love of
vanity. I know that I like to be happy with what I see when I look into a mirror often overlooking the age and the flaws that come with age. I recognize myself but to be honest I do not look like I did when I was younger, most of us dont, a little wrinkle here a bit of pudge there some gray hair to top it all off and voila its the "new" you. I am more than happy with the new me.

How do I keep my vanity sanity? Continually learning new things is what keeps me going. I am forever on a quest for knowledge be it culinary, historical or just plain trivia I revel in getting the facts and the information processed so that I can use it in my everyday. I will be reviewing one of the wonderful items available through
CSN Stores in the coming days and if you havent had a chance to peruse the many, many items
available I urge you to have a look. In case you are wondering I am going to choose something
cookware related since it is my passion. One new thing I have learned recently is how to make a pithivier savoyarde (process pictured above). In this case its a lovely potato gratin with a little extra gruyère cheese and prosciutto all wrapped in a nice puff pastry and baked until golden. One of these and a salad is the perfect lunch. Served warm they are excellent but even cold on a picnic this delicate yet hardy pastry holds its own.

Another favorite picnic item is the frittata. This is a potato spinach frittata, one more dish that is also good warm or cold and I like mine with a spicy brown mustard.
My favortite place to have a picnic is anywhere in New Mexico, and nothing keeps my vain more sane than trips out west, but for now I will settle for just a patch of grass. I am submitting this to
Smackdown "picnic basket".