Life without a camera is not as bad as it sounds, in fact I have enjoyed not photographing everything that passes my way thinking of its blog worthiness or not and while this may be a partial truth it is not the entire truth- I have my cell phone camera and I will still snap off a few, if only to keep in the hang of it. (wow, what a long sentence - and subject, verb, predicate seems to all be in order). I still have quite a few things in the old archives that I have yet to mention like this cucumber and carrot salad with rice wine vinegar and sesame oil.

Refreshing, crunchy, sweet and savory, these grated carrots played along nicely with my little english cucumbers.

I wanted to keep this a secret but the guilt of enjoying this without sharing has finally got the better of me. Black Star Gourmet sent me some truffle products to try out and one of them was this truffle butter. Most people know its great on steak and even simply scrambled into some eggs so with this knowledge in place why not have it with a rich and succulent scallop.

Why not go ahead and have it with three rich and succulent scallops. The only hard part of this dish is the patience it takes to let the scallop do its crusty thing in a hot skillet and if you do it right your patience is rewarded and since you are rewarding yourself go on and add truffle butter, trust me, you wont regret it.
Give Black Star Gourmet a visit, tell them I said hi!
Scallops, truffles, magic words...
I've been enjoying a "holiday" from taking photos of everything I eat, see and do. Unfortunately I get less posts out of it, but I I'll get back on the horse again when the time is right. Meanwhile I post now and then, and enjoy sniffing my treasures airbourne from NY. Nice and simple salad!
Thank goodness you're back. We've missed you. I totally agree - it is nice to have a break from taking photos of everything you eat.
You can't get much better than scallops and truffles for me.
I know I need a break now and then from the constant thinking about "What's next." But you came back with style - that scallops dish is a winner.
Love that crunchy appetizing cucumber salad! I need to eat more veggies!
I've never had scallops or truffles!
I want to make some cucumber salad now. My food photo taking has been on/off lately too. But I for sure know it'll kick up into high gear again when I take my trip next week. Gotta get that trigger finger ready. hahaha...
looks delish have a great weekend Christo
You are truly spoiled by that company and I am tres jealous!!!
Scallops that are seared with a crust are worth the patience vs. rubbery steamed ones!
'ave a good weekend, matey!
scallops are like the perfect protein for truffle butter.
I am already on their mailing list! Nice salad and even nicer scallop!
buffer: I need more magic words
anette:: they smell so good, mmmm
o908: 時的錯誤不算什麼,錯而不改才是一生中永遠且最大的錯
MYKitch: sam it gets tedious
ciao: the problem is I never stop thinking and then without the camera I realize what I am missing....
TBD: I will send you some
jenn: where are you going, are you coming here? definitely let me know
reb: thanks you too...
ladiva: I guess spoil't is a good way of saying it..I agree
vanilla: and cream is the perfect foil for chocolate - you technocrat
TOB: you should experiment and this one worked...
truffle butter sounds great. i love scallops and usually try and seve with cauliflower puree but some truffle butter would work well with the dish as well :-)
hey there, you stopped by last week and had a little fun leaving a tongue-in-cheek comment on a post that i'd written, asking for help on line breaks. so, thought i'd stop by and see where your stunning sarcarm might have come from? if i stick around it looks like you might owe me a free meal, whatever. i'm going to stick around anyways because i really like your work and the passion you have about accomplishing it...
I don't know which is better ... the thought of truffle butter, or the brilliant colors in that carrot and cucumber salad.
Doggy Bloggy without a camera is like Florida without oranges! But those shots of scallops look just a yummy as ever. Those scallop crusties are the best!
The scallops are calling my name!
Beautiful shots, Christo. I must try that truffle butter one day.
You know, I'm a fairly new blogger, but the foodporn photos are my favorite part. I've really enjoyed learning about taking photos and editing and a DSLR is high on my wish list.
You are a dog; I 've got a truffle-scallop dish later this week! Looks fantastic and i agree; truffles and scallops are a natural.
Where ya been DB??
Yes, yes! I have a jar of truffle salt and it is fabulous sprinkled over scallops. Now I need some truffle butter.
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