The only way to get good food done fast is with a pressure cooker and I use it a lot. Some people say it isnt the same as slow simmering but I disagree and I disagree because I am so bad at slow simmering, instead of one hour I let it go for three so the whole effect is lost on the affect, or vice versa. With the pressure cooker I am on point, I know that within a few minutes its good to go. Today the kid asked for beef stew at 4:00 pm and he wants the meat to fall apart "like it always does" so since he likes to eat at 6:00 the only option is the pressure cooker.
Stay tuned as it is cooling down now...but I wanted to start this post before 6:00pm
As a result of the thermal pressure the quantum
physical nature of the ingredients are altered to
create "stew"...It would be wise to remember
that pressure cookers are dangerous
and while you may not get a nuclear reaction
you wouldnt want some carelessness to create
an unwanted taste explosion...
now for the test.
It should be good to know that I had to stop at the store and cooking
didnt begin until 5:20.
"tow up from the flo up" thats the only way to describe
how this was demolished and right now it is 6:34pm...
and yeah we eat tons of butter......