Lobster ravioli with thin sliced radish warmed in a butter sauce has to be the most sublime of all flavors. The wonderful flavor of lobster and the relaxed flavor of radish and butter - butter brings out the best in most things but it really gets along well with radish. Remember the vegetarian scallops!

I hope you check out my guest posts at MarxFoods since I will be doing more and more of them in the future - but that doesnt mean I wont be posting here it only means that I have more to do. If you get a chance to try some Szechuan buttons you will be alarmingly surprised by their unique sensation. I have a couple more ideas on how I am going to use these and I cant wait

Ravioli - right I was talking about ravioli, lobster ravioli at that. I cant tell you how nice it is to live in NYC and have so many fantastically fresh ingredients available at all times - seafood being paramount. Often lobsters die in the tank and the merchants need to sell them quickly at a great price and since I can hardly pass up a deal I will sometimes swoop in on these deals and it is these deals that afford me the comfort to make ravioli out of lobster - especially when it costs the same per pound as chicken! This was one fantastic lunch for some very lucky people!
This looks incredible! I'm headed to check out your guest post.
Nice!!! You've got me craving for lobster now.
I love the colors! very fancy ravioli indeed!
Very fancy! Love the colous..
Oh wow!
hi Christo sorry about yesterday feel free to email me rebeccasubbiah at yahoo dot com I can send you my number if you wanted to meet up today Rebecca
Lobster anything- I'm in!
wow these really look great... BUTTER and LOBSTER!!!
That looks great! I checked out the Marx Foods site and saw they were looking for bloggers to review products so thanks for the inadvertent tip! Your photos are beautiful!
I'd buy lobster any time at the same price as chicken!
Oh baby, pass me a plate please.
Wish I would have seen this last night. We made lobster ravioli with butter sauce and I had radishes sitting in the fridge. I like this combination.
what a lovely combination!
Some very lucky people!
that looks so delicious!
Super decadent! These sound absolutely fabuloso!! Marx foods, huh? What's that all about?
I am so Thankful to be living in NYC too... this dish is sooo gorgeous...and the pictures are immaculate in quality...!
This looks absolutely amazing! If I bring a good bottle of wine, can I pull up chair and join you in this fabulous meal?
I never think to eat radishes this way. They looks amazing! I'm going to have to pick some up and try it. I am crazy for radishes so I know I'd love them warm.
Love the lobster/radish combo! I need to grow some radishes--I love them with cheese.
How have I missed this green background? GREAT choice--really enhances your foods. Nice, Christo!
Looks so delicious!!!
I linked to you
These ravolis are beautiful and the lobster takes them over the top in my opinion - wow. I enjoyed seeing you with Rebecca & Fresh Local and Best on Chow & Chatter. Nice to see the face behind all of the wonderful posts.
Now I'm off to see your guest post at Marx Foods.
You know, they're making the cookie monster eat carrots now...blasphemy!
Wow, what a nice way to use radish...with lobster ravioli, looks delicious :-) and the colors of your dish just amazing! Nice pictures!
Lobsters-now that's something I haven't eaten in a long,long time!!
I saw the carpaccio on Marx Foods and commented. I'm really impressed with use of radish. All I ever do is put them in salad. You've opened new possibilities for me.I would have never thought of putting them with raviolis but it looks delicious.
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