
Saturday, February 24, 2007


Nothing clears my head better or faster than a walk on the beach whether it is nintey degrees or nineteen there is something so soothing about the salty air, the ocean mist and the sound of the surf. I chased these seagulls while trying to take a picture so it is a little blurry, but whats the difference all my pictures are blurry.

It was windy and cold but nice. Two winters ago I found a message in a bottle now every winter I keep thinking I will find another one.


MommaMonkey said...

I feel refreshed just looking at the pictures.

What did the message in the bottle say?

Anonymous said...

spark skates, black feet, white rooms, flask water botels, good luck rabit paws, harold and maud. a light year is the distance that light travels in one year, moving at 186,000 miles per second.

pinknest said...

which beach were you at? haven't been to one since july. :(

Harmony said...

I so love the beach. We live about 4 hours away from one...and going there is exactly as you say it is, as soon as I can smell the salty air I feel I am at is so relaxing.

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