Hats, hats hats, the only time these hats are popular is when it is bitter cold. For 10 bucks you get to look like a million dollars.
These pictures are from two years ago.
There many colors and fabrics to chooose from. The are so warm and they double as a balaklava if it is exceptionally cold. I wear one as a balaklava and top it off with another. Lauren Bacall once saw me on the street and commented how nice she thought my hat was, she said in her deep voice 'nice hat, I mean really nice hat' the people that were with me could not believe it. Its true!
Before John F. Kennedy, evertbody wore a hat!
You don't survive in Canada if you don't wear either a hat or a hood.
i love hats...i wear thug caps. those suit me.
I'm with Anndi. I wouldn't have made it through my Canadian childhood without a hat. Well, a toque!
I don't wear hats. They mess up my hair. Go ahead, say it: "Don't be such a girl about it!"
Hats can be great when the weather calls for it...but Marjie has a point, it leads to hat hair!
That's so neat!
I'd have to agree with her I love thoughts hats..
and the kid...so cute!
buff: hats are pretty popular around here...
anndi: makes sense
tk: its cuz you are a thug
barrie: you wore chefs hats as a canadian child?
marjie: in all matter of importance style not sincerity is the essential in all matters of unimportance style not sincerity is the essential - oscar wilde
harmony: see above
TBD: I have been selling these hats for over 10 years now
just telling: thanks and thanks....
Lauren Bacall? Cool. I'm an old movie Bogie and Bacall fan, so I'm very impressed.
They look warm, and quite stylish :) The pup looks adorable.
Props from Bacall??
that's the shit!
A hatmaker as well! That's impressive! Are they made of fleece fabric? My kid always wear less clothes than his mum tells him to wear in the winter, but always a hat. (he even did in the summer)
lisaiscooking: true story, I was with my girlfriend and I see this woman staring at me, really staring and she looks familiar and I am thinking -do I know her - then she says 'nice hat, really, no, really nice hat' I say thanks she passes and my girlfriend says'do you know who that was' and I said 'no but she looked familiar' and she said all screechy, 'that was Lauren Bacall you should have given her the hat'-
tavolini: they are super warm and you get to look like a pope or a cardinal
anette: they are made out of polar fleece and fake fur.
Got a pattern you're willing to share? I have a bunch of fleece scraps from making my son a Snuggie, ie blanket with sleeves that has a thousand commercials during the cartoons.
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