
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

dont blame me

dont blame who? what the hell?

Recipes are visual aides and study guides for the most part and between you and me, once you learn how to do something you wont need the recipe. Lets look at pot pie. It has a crust and a filling. Lets make pot pie with a crust and a filling.

I took every kind of frozen vegetable known to man and put them in a pan without any oil or salt because I wanted them to get southwestern brown; which they did.

I made a very cheesy bechamel and I tossed those south of the border veggies right in.

This is when the liberty started to roll. Pie or appetizer? And between me and you - I want it to look good and taste good - otherwise - I wont taste it! I get tired of people telling me that looks dont matter! Call me shallow but thats how I roll

Trying to close that 190 gap....I wanna hit 1000 before summer is over.


Tanya Kristine said...

oh god. you had me at pot pie.

tavolini said...

The colors...they stun me.

I am continually amazed. Also curious--in your blog it seems as though this would be easy to recreate, because you are the bass player of chefs. (nonchalant)

I'm thinking it might be hard to find those colors in the local grocery ;)

Christo Gonzales said...

TK: at least....I hope

tavolini: colors? recreate? its a frozen crust and frozen veggies whats so hard about that?

Jenn said...

A deconstructed pot pit. Nice!!

Jenn said...

Oops...meant pie. LOL

Belle said...

You know I posted the pics of the sea and the villa's and the stunning location? Guess where I hung out most of the time? You got it! With the Executive Chef in the kitchen!

T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

Ha - sort of a pot pie landscape!

Emily said...

I love pot pie. Doesn't everyone? I love your southwestern spin on it.

Dana said...

For about the last 4 months, I've been doing most of my cooking from scratch and am starting to see that I really don't need to be so anal retentive when it comes to cooking.

I blame the need to follow a recipe EXACTLY on my baking roots!

Donna-FFW said...

Something about that piece of pie crust standing at attention getting to me.

Ain't nothing gonna break your stride, I'm sure!

vanillasugarblog said...

I love how you think dog; deconstructed recipes are the best; you're twist, your way.

Christo Gonzales said...

jenn: the take apart pie...

belle: that sounds like some good stories as well...*wink*

sophie: thanks they did hold up nicely

TW: now thats an angle I didnt notice

emily: I used to sneak the tv dinner brands every chance I got as a kid.

dana: yank those roots right out and let that plant start over...

donna: I need a spotter or my stride is gonna fail

dawn: thanks -

Anonymous said...

Love the presentation on the first picture!

Christina Kim said...

you funny!

tavolini said...

I'm thinking I must have commented on this after a couple glasses of wine..

Still, I am impressed by the colors ;)

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

I have been dying to make pot pie and didn't do it this winter. To hel with the weather, I am making this!

Reeni said...

Did you say cheesy? I've never had a cheesy pot pie. What a yummy idea! I'm eating it up with my eyes.

Jenn@slim-shoppin said...

That looks better than any pot pie my Mom used to make!

Christo Gonzales said...

5 star: thanks - its usually the after thoughts that come out better with me

christina kim: who you callin' funny - like funny ha ha or what? LOL

tavolini: I know I typed the whole thing after a couple pints of my homebrew beer - whats up with the title - I cant figure out what I was intending

katherine: this was a last minute dish I whipped up for someone that didnt want meat

reeni: sure - cheesey - why not..who said you have to stick to the recipes - there is no law that says you cant experiment with flavors...

jenn@slim: same here - but then again my mom never made this - she had the frozen kind.

Pooja said...

The southwestern pot pie looks delicious! Well are just visual aides..the imp part lies in recreation!

Pam said...

I think food needs to be pretty too - this looks FANTASTIC. I love how creamy and rich it looks.

buffalodick said...

Pot pie immediately makes me think of frozen, out of the box... Home made casts a whole new light on the subject!

lisaiscooking said...

Great, now I'm already hungry for lunch! The veggies and bechamel look delicious.

Christo Gonzales said...

pooja: thats right - if you cant stand the heat then get out of the kitchen - right

pam: I know you like pretty food...

buff: it sure does...its like incandescent versus grow light....

lisais: buahahahaha (evil laugh) yes another caught in the web...buahahahaha

Thistlemoon said...

Sounds delicious! I love to brown my veggies like that too! Yum!

Marjie said...

Of course looks matter. We have to form our impressions somewhere. And since you were a southwestern boy, the brown colors make sense. I once made pot pie, around 1992 or so, and I am still being verbally browbeaten for it. It was great, but since I never make casseroles or anything of the sort, no one could wrap their heads around the concept. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Are those kidney beans? Yum! A Southwestern pie is a genius idea.

mermayd said...

no one is blaming you!!! i think we all need to blame the jack daniels, though...

Angel said...

FIFTY SEVEN COMMENTS on the risotto balls???!!! or squares? WOWWEE!!!!

I can say, "I knew you when...."

The Blonde Duck said...

I love the SW version of Chicken Pot Pie!

The Diva on a Diet said...

I won't blame you at all - especially since there's cheese *and* pie crust.

Stacey Snacks said...

I love pot pie, the day after Thanksgiving.
I did your version with the puff pastry on turkey day and it was the best!

Christo Gonzales said...

jennDZ: they get a nice toasty flavor dont they?

marjie: hey if it doesnt attract you in some way then how will you be attracted?

duo: the beans added a nice protein kick...

merm: jack or the homebrew?

beth: well a few of those were me responding...

TBD: its a good version indeed....

diva: recipe for success...

stacey: I have to say the puff pastry version is a better version..

Hit 40 said...

I am glad that I read the comments... puff pastry sounds divine. Great comfort food!

No excuses now with my new double oven!

Unknown said...

drunk blog posting and comments love it

it better look good or I won't eat it. yours looks good.

Pavithra Elangovan said...

Deconstructed pot pie is looking so yummmy and i am mouthwatering here.

Esi said...

I love it. It's like a deconstructed pot pie.

Christo Gonzales said...

hit 40: double the goodies, while the turkey is roasting the pie can be baking

christine: stop all the drama..LOL

pavithra: now if I could only decorate my plates like you do...

esi: hey there...yup a total take apart pie...

Ramya Vijaykumar said...

Filling looks very creamy and all those veggies there oh they are calling my name ;) So you brought about a great color there!!!

teresa said...

Hi! I just found your blog, lovin the potpie! I can't wait to try this!

LK- Healthy Delicious said...

well, you certainly did manage to make it look good!! I've gotten picky with that lately too-I'm biased against ugly food now.

Cate O'Malley said...

Mmmm, love pot pie, but hardly ever make it because no one else will eat it. Your southwestern version looks delish!

Jescel said...

when you said "cheesy bechamel", I'm sold. anything you put in it doesn't matter to me anymore...... yum!

Dana Fallentine said...

Ohhhh... I'm hungary again. Your pictures are fabulous! This is one recipe I know my family would enjoy. Thanks!

Elyse said...

This pot pie looks fabulous!! I love a good bechamel. Man oh man, you totally know how to make me hungry :)

Christo Gonzales said...

ramya: sometimes veggies are the ONLY way to go...

teresa: glad you did - and do come back..

lk: no one said a greasy burger isnt attractive - I just want to be on record with that...

cate: make mini muffin tin versions...

jescel: when you said 'cheesey bechamel' I was sold too....

dana: thanks a ton - BTW my son didnt like it that much - too cheesey he said...fickle much lately?

elyse: victory is mine.....LOL

Lexie said...

This looks fabulous! Pot pie is one of my favorites, but rarely have it for some reason.

Admin said...

You make it sound so easy, "... I made a cheesy bechamel and tossed those veggies right in ..." Pot pie happens to involve two things that often go wrong in my kitchen: bechamel and pie crust. I have to get over my fear.

But when you do it right, man ... Pot pie is the ultimate combination of gooey, creamy, and flaky. What a delicious way to close that 190 gap.

Christo Gonzales said...

lexie: hey there, I have to admit I still like the little frozen ones out of the box....shhhhh dont tell

leela: it took years to develop this je ne sais quoi approach...LOL

giz said...

You quack me up Chris. You mean that all the teaching I've had about "the only thing that really counts is on the inside" is washed away. I'm going to go drown myself in Poutine.

Denise said...

So funny and yet somehow interesting..

Sara said...

Looks great! I love these kind of impromptu recipes, especially if they use up ingredients that I already have in the house.

Anonymous said...

haha. I'm like you. don't really follow recipes, but just the basic guidelines. what's the fun and creativity in following a recipe to the dot?

Anonymous said...

Yummy. Ummy. In my tummy. Comfort food. That's what pot pie is to me.

Howdy. Long time no see Dog....I've missed your blog. I promise to come by more often. I've missed your beautiful food.

Kim said...

Ooooo Pot pie! Oh my !!! Hold the bus!!!! I gotta have a piece now!!! I hope you save me some! :D

Anonymous said...

creative!!! :)

Jamie said...

Ha! Another brill idea! Cheesy bechamel must be amazing on almost anything!

Angie's Recipes said...

The 4th pic is my cup of tea....oh, no, my chunks of pie, mom-styled,esp. that gooey pie filling at the side....lovely

Christo Gonzales said...

giz: yup its all on the surface now - its the new millenium!

denise: but is it compelling?

sara: you gave me an idea - I should do a 'clean the fridge' post every now and then to use up some stuff

burp: there is no fun in that what-so-ever!

andie: hey andie I have missed you too!

kim: dont worry if its gone I can make some more

micky: thanks bro!

jamie: there should be a bechamel jingle that kids have to learn to sing in school!

angie: thanks so much for stopping by....

micky-t said...

No one to blame but you!

Your audience is growing like wild onions, springtime in East Tennessee.

Anette said...

Greetings from Greece! That crust looks devine!

Ken said...

I think you should double check your answer back to Mikky,(kk) she has a nice site from the Phillipines.

Christo Gonzales said...

micky-t: I caught that after I saw that you had commented...

anette: hey - lucky you!

Marta said...

Hahaha this looks great! I just found your blog and I really enjoy the bits I saw! I love your writing style, witty and blunt! I'll continue to read you... all the way into your 1000s!

Just telling it like it is said...

As I have always said all you have to be is pretty..

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