There is a difference between barbecue and grillin' and that difference is time. You grill up some hotdogs, for example, and you barbecue some ribs. I like grilled things. I like things cooked quick and to order. I also like things cooked slow, things that I can count on.
Ribs that took a while to cook.
Ribs that when you lifted the lid it was more smokey than a two dollar beer joint.
Ribs after they had cooked a while, the smoke ring was sweet.
Really good ribs.
Good difference between barbie q and BBQ..I too like BBQ but all veggies.
I'm with you I love slow cooked barbecue ribs. nothing like sitting outside with friends and gnawing on ribs and drinking what every floats your boat. Your ribs look like my kind of ribs.
Wow...look at the feast on that grill. Some times slow-cooked is good especially for BBQ. Helps people relax, at least for me it does.
I haven't had good bbq for a long time. Time to fire up the grill and make something that looks as good as yours.
pavithra: your is grillin' - love it
ka: thats the entire tickeT...
jenn: slow down - wait a minute - thats a good motto
ccl: I have some free time...
DROOL :o...
By jove, I think you have a chance at the 1000 mark! You have been a very busy blogger. Can't wait to drink a toast to your success.
Those ribs are perfect and I love your Barbie! So clever...
We cooked ribs the other day for Memorial day...630am to 730pm. They were fabulous but we did it in the oven and they had this sad gray look to them...I posted a pic although it isn't very good. Anyway, I'm rambling, I think on the grill with some carmelization is the way to go. Looks more appetizing.
I catch myself talking about BBQing up some hotdogs all the time, and I know better! These ribs look divine!
girli: dont stand so close your dribble is getting all over things..
laurie: well lets see - something in the one hundred and eighty more to go area...
jill: I bet yours slid right off the bone....oooh I love how that sounds
teresa: its probably just the ease of saying BBQ...
Dayum, those look good!
Those are gorgeous slabs of meat!! I'm impatient with my food, I like immediate gratification, grilling is all I can handle.
Well, you know how I feel about this! They looked good!
Useful tip! The ribs look so delicious!
Those ribs are huge by the way! That's what the grill was made for.
mmmmm... I don't think I could ever get tired of ribs
Very clever DB! I wish I could find more creative words than yummmm!
These look AMAZING! Just from looking at these pictures, you're making me hungry...
Thanks for sharing!
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