Kick out the paper and the trash. Cleaning as much as we can since my sister is coming. Remember when my brother came we were freaking out? We had an intense visit and we did totally freak out in advance. Well, since then we are still freaking out.
Anyone can cook.
Anyone can make a plate.
Anyone can eat.
Awww... don't freak out. You'll get through it!! Before you know it they'll be here, then they'll be gone. A week will go by fast.
Is she your older sister, and a strict one as well? (or I guess younger sisters can be strict too)
If you cannot help freaking out, then try to look on the bright side. After they've gone, your home will be tidy for a long time! (and you don't have to tidy up until the next silbling comes to visit!)
jenn: I guess I forgot that the clock was still ticking.....
anette: clean for us is camping every where else.......
I like that line about camping and will use it.
Sisters are cool yo! Brothers, on the other hand...
After following your links, looks to me like a good time will be had by all.
And they get to eat your cooking?
Maybe they'll, have the better time!
oookay. very abstract. but the plate looked good..i can't do that.
Grape leaves look tasty! What kind of salad is that?
Have fun with you sister in town :)
Guests are always stressful. Family is even more so. Food and cooking, can be a great release.
WHY do you insist on teasing me with food?
And hey, if you need help cleaning, I'm probably the best person you will ever find! And I've never been to New York! But Beth would have to go with me.
Ah, family. Have fun! I want a plate of that. Looks delicious.
She's family, she'll forgive you!
Oh! Hopefully you will have a great time. Does she a long tript to get there? Does she love to cook as much as you do?
Enjoy your time
joy: genius strikes at the darndest times
sophie: a week is a long time
jesse: yo, yo I have one of each...its my sister that has no sisters
micky-T: my niece is worse than the trouble making nephew...she might throw the food
tanya: so you picked up on the abstract did you?
tavolini: sprouted buckwheat, like a twisted tablouleh
belle: they are like fish, except if fish starts to go bad you can always eat it or freeze it...
bina: one more person makes nine and even though you are a cleaning machine that is way too many
lisa: sunday chicken dinner on tuesday....comfort was in order
buff: I hardly ever see her, hardly saw her back when I 'did' see her
spin: they are coming from northern california...and the other nephew is coming from colorado
that plate look awesome! sprouted buckwheat, eh? I'll have to look for that!
I assume, if Bina would make nine, YOU HAVE 5 Guests coming!!!!!
is that the infamous hawk living in central park west?
sounds like you only clean for company? that could be bad.
take a deep breath, all will be well. as yummy as you are, and as fiercely as you cook, what could be bad? you'll knock their socks off!
Is that quinoa on the left? We want that.
Well the visit should make for some interesting posts!
Your dish looks great..
She's been your sister for a long time -- she's got to know what kind of housekeeper you are and she's coming anyway.
Sounds like permission to just be yourself to me!
you only panicked for a week with your bro, but its a month away with your sis. Is there meaning to this or do you just need some more cheese to go with that whine? I wanna be a fly on the wall during this visit. Will doggy be good or will doggy revert to his childhood? It only takes 48 hours for me and my sibling to be bickering like mad again, but then that is probably because she is exactly like someone else we both know and love so much in blog land :)
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