Ask most people what to do with corned beef and rye and they will tell you to make a Reuben. The history of the Reuben is just as varied as those that like to eat it. I have never made a Reuben sandwich before today, why should I, I live in New York City I can get an excellent Reuben quicker than you can say shenanigans.
Today I made a Reuben sandwich especially for my blog buddy Beth and you start out with the star of the show -Corned Beef.
But wait, there's a twist, I didnt have any swiss so I used some Irish Cheddar from KerryGold. (they sent me a coupon for free samples - always pluggin' away what can I say)
The Russian dressing was deconstructed and mixed piece by piece into the the slaw, the flavor came out the same its just I took a different road to get there and it didnt have to look all orangey/ketchupy like Russian dressing looks. (read between the lines, I didnt make Russian dressing)

The sandwich was toasty, ooey gooey and good, mark my word.
Yes, that corned beef definitely looks better than the one that scared me once! and that sandwich looks so crispy on the outside, and so soft in the middle. I like!
I LOVE a Reuben.
I love melted Swiss on mine.
My mouth is watering!
(Katz's Deli right by your house has mighty good ones too).
yum! I love the idea of cheddar on this!
I hate Russian dressing and usually just skip it all together.
YUM...does that look good or GOOD!!
anette: finally a friendly corned beef
stacy: me too but I only had cheddar and that cheddar was good...
healthy: its salad dressing, isnt it?
passionate: it looks GOOD
Before I got the coupons for Kerrygold, I only knew about their Dubliner and Vintage and butter of course, but now I'm discovering there are so many more cheeses! This one you found we didn't have at our store. Looks good in a Reuben.
Man...I have tried so hard to avoid corned beef this year. That sandwich looks freakin amazing.
This is your first time making a reuben???? wow!
Definitely, one of my favorite all time sandwiches, Tavo's too. I don't even mind it vegetarian, but some would say that's sacrilegious!
I've only seen canned corned beef here! And they don't look as appetising.
Happy St. Paddy's Day! Your Reuben looks great! I used to date a guy named Reuben from Espanola. He was an alcoholic so nothing permanent developed. He was an engineer for NASA in CA & they sent him to Stanford for a PhD, but subsequently canned him after acquiring his credential...I wonder why...
5 star: they had sweet and salted butter and this cheese ONLY at whole foods....
nila: come to the dark side nila, the force is strong with you
tavolini: I need to read the history more completely but I bet I live in the birthplace of the Reuben
pigpig: canned is NOTHING like this....
ap: are you trying to make a point?'ve got me thinking. So I wikied it. Reuben Sandwich Looks like its either New York or Nebraska. See, I would have thought it had German roots, what with sauerkraut.
So, what's the best place to go in New York for a reuben?
This looks fabulous. The last Reuben I had was in NYC in 1996.
tavolini: there are a few of the 'famous'places like Katz Deli on Houston and then Carnegie Deli uptown - those are the ones I would lean to if I wanted 'old school'
jill: time for another one then it seems...
I think everybody making their own "Reuben" tweaks it a bit! Around here people would expect Thousand Island dressing, not Russian...
Yes, the point is, even if you have a PhD from Stanford University, NASA will can you if you're drinking on the job. Or, invariably, if you date someone from Espanola, expect that he is or will become an alcoholic. Or, if you are named after a sandwich, anticipate that drinking in voluminous quantities will make you a lifelong Bachelor.
I'll be there for lunch in about an hour. Oh, wait, I can't get there that fast. Oh, well.
buff: any kind of colored mayo seems to be de riguer
ap: alrighty then....
marjie: well its the thought that counts anyway....
I make Reuben sandwiches fairly often. I like spicy mustard on mine. Yuck on the 1000 Island or Russian or any colorful mayo. I get corned beef from a deli but have actually made it.
I love ooey gooey sandwiches...yum!
you have a funny blog, it made me laguh :-) keep up the good work...
I have marked your word. :)
I think Swiss cheese is fun to look at (with all those holes), but I'm not a fan of its taste (because, IMO, it has none ...). So the Cheddar idea is brilliant.
Reuben is one of those things I never ate growing up and only came to love as an adult. Sublime combination of textures and flavors. Love it.
I'm so jealous of her! Pass that Reuben over here! YUM!
joy: Who knew the Reuben was so darn popular
TBD: me too!
ziamushka: thanks I hope you come back again and again..
leela: I hear you on that - as kid it had too many grown up flavors for my tender taste buds.
Real: there is definitely enough to go around....
Was that as good for you Dog, as it was for me?
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