Foodbuzz had a community table on Monday, August 10, 2009 at Fishtail, a restaurant by David Burke. I was lucky enough to attend because the lovely and gracious Stacey from Stacey Snacks had dust in her eye or a hang nail or something and couldn't make it - no seriously, she had a little cold and did not want to sneeze on everyone so she let me have her seat. This whole getting a seat process was a lottery - you had to respond quickly and then you were selected from the respondents but, if you had a Visa Signature card you could attend as well. Visa Signature, Foodbuzz and Fishtail sponsored the event. Check your towns listing they might be having one near you.

I think you might remember how much I enjoyed David Burkes food the last time I went to one of his places- well this was no different. I am a fan!

Life is even more fantastic when you get to see everything through beverage goggles.

I ordered a small, but cute, armadillo for my appetizer. Kidding, I kid - it was octopus.

Cant say anything bad about these scallops - trust me I tried. As usual the food was great and I am impressed with the service no matter the style of the event. Check out these other blogs they went too and probably wrote about it better than I did.
Around the world in 340 days
High/low Food/drink
Blondie & Brownie
Eating the World in NYC
Little Girl Big Appetite
Midtown Lunch
NYC nom nom
The Pink Spoon
Taste As You Go
Zen Can Cook

If you can guess who this is I will send you a prize. In the event of multiple winners the prize will be hacked into the appropriate number of pieces and no one will get anything. The contest ends August 10, 2010! Good luck.
Thanks again Foodbuzz!
Wow what a lovely event! Wish I could attend it in future! The dishes look awesome! As for guessing part, I can only figure out a person's face! Contest till Aug 10?!
oh aren't you a lucky duck to be able to attend that. I'm so jealous. There are some wonderful characters I would love to meet, I love Zen Chef think his talent is amazing.
Glad you had a good time.
Oooh, lucky dog! ;)
I never even received word that there was a dinner or a chance to attend. Thanks for taking me along, virtually!
Foodbuzz rocks! It's such a wonderful event.
Christo, why kept playing with your beard? Hahaha.
For the last photo: Hm... Mr. Bean? LOL
pooja: I end up feeling so spoiled after one of these things
dawn: there are certainly some characters - thats for sure
diva: it was an e mail around the end of July - you have to act like in the first 10 minutes or its too late!
kenny: I have a new bad habit and it is called my beard!
Lucky stiff. Umm..
Glad you had a great time!
Photo is haunting me, reminds me of Emeril's head with a 'stache.
Oh man oh man, that all looks too good. NYC restaurants know food.
We're on the list for LA. Keep your fingers crossed.
donna: you just wanted to say stiff....
duo: I cant wait to here how the LA event goes!
Looks like a fab time. I like the thing that holding the egg. LOL.
As for the pic...Not sure. But I have a year to try and figure it out. ;-)
Awesome...sounds like a great experience...armadillo...LOL!! I'm guessing.....Jesse Metcalfe. Stop- it's blurry! :P
Lucky you!!
Hmmm-all I can say is that it looks like a handsome 'young' man!!Will figure out the name sometime in the next few months ;)
Lucky! Will have to see if there's an upcoming event in my area. And totally agree that life looks better through beverage goggles ;)
DogB- You are are a food whore.. Wish I was one too... Quit stuffing your face, and get back to cookin'
Your Annoying Friend,
The Buff
Wow thats wonderful event.. wish to attend it when i get chance. Guessing part so tough will sure try it out.. the dishes are awesome.
I know the photo is not you cuz it doesn't have the white WAY TOO LONG goatee going on..but it resembles my daddy more than I can say. WTF is up with this blogger slacker crap you have been doing??We (your adoring fans) DEMAND our one a day! I mean seriously dog, I've cut back to only my fav. blogs and I have certain expectations of those fav's, so before you go playin at Coney Island or whatever the hell you are jelly dicking around doing (that was for Donna- jelly dicking is one of my favorite terms!) you are doing, post a little nibble for us!
jenn: it is the cutest little egg holder -
girli: it looked like a little armadillo tail - look at it!
sweta: lets hope he doesnt see it on my blog and say something
bonvivant: beverage goggles are way better than beer goggles thats for sure!
buff: food whore or food gigolo, I'll take either one!
pavitihra: I hope you can
snugs: hot, bored, lazy - I am still making things just not going through all the hoops to photograph and everything else ....... OK I'll get on it!
Geez.. i have no idea who that could be. The food looks good though! :)
what's the matter, you out of home brew for inspiration? Get 'er done!
Looks like it was fun event! Did you feel like a VIP? I think that I would have felt like a total impostor. Glad you had a great time.
I'm jealous! But at least I get to see the dishes you enjoyed!
It's Nixon right? ;)
What luck for you! Looks like a good time.
LMAO @ beverage goggles and armadilo!! What a fun event to get to attend.
so...the contest ends on the 10th? but but...reader didnt even tell me about this post until this afternoon (this is my whine that goes with my goggles LOL)...anyways, I'm going to guess regardless....
Dom Deluise with hair? HAHAHAHAHA
Oh...2010. brat! LOL
If I ever tried that with an egg, I'd have a lot of shells on my hands. Looks like it was a great time!
I seriously thought that was a armadillo.
Love the beverage goggles! Cool shots!
LOL--I like the beverage goggle shots. I almost spat out my coffee when I read, "small but cute armadillo."
I think I missed the contest deadline, but I'll guess anyways. Emeril?
Wait...2010? I'm changing my guess to Zen Chef.
Burt Reynolds?
Cheech Marin?
...I'll bet you would have plated the scallops differently...and I'm voting Nixon...
zen: go on take a guess...you have a year to figure it out! What food did you like best if any?
snugs: funny you should ask - I just started two new batches - a ginger pale ale and a honey nut brown.
melody: I risk sounding bad but I have to say I always feel like a VIP - trust me you would have too.
hummingbird: if you like sweets David Burke is famous for his cheesecake lollipops -
bob: nixon is a good guess....
danielle: I still feel like it was a little armadillo - and yup you have a whole year! dom deluise is a good guess
TW: I think I will give it a try - remember how good they were?
TBD: I think it really was
starr: thanks - I have tons of those - thats mostly all I did was sit there photographing everything through the army of glasses on our table.
tavolini: you are going to have to narrow it down but burt reynolds is a good guess!
phrankie: two for nixon so far - impressive!
The meal looks great! Those scallops look divine...yum! Ok now here is my guess on the person......don't think I'm weird but I think it looks like Saddam Hussein.
awesome pics!
Stop putting peoples head in your wine glass!
I'd love to try the octopus! yum!
lucky dog gets to go to all the foodie events.
What fun!!! Delicious eats! The mystery man looks familiar...
I like the glass shots and I'd do an octopus leg any day.
mystery man? Saddam
nutmeg: the scallops were great but the crab risotto ----mmmmm. Saddam - good guess!
mo: I didnt put their heads there the wine did!
reeni: he is familiar!
micky: the octopus was cooked perfectly - not easy to do! two for saddam and two for nixon....
Sounds like a fun night, and great looking food! Love the beverage goggles photos.
Playing second fiddle is better than no fiddle at all, right? Especially when someone will feed you!
Saddam Hussein is your mystery man. Or maybe it's his not so evil cousin?
Fantastic meal and I'll bet it was great fun as well. I am waiting for the day when I'll actually be in the same city as other food bloggers so we can all eat together.
look like you had a great time!! nice pics.. hehe
What a fun event and the food looks fabulous! I can't seem to guess who the mystery guy is, will keep thinking on it :)
Sadaam Husien...or however you spell his name. You know I can't spell.
lisa: it was a little warm in the upstairs dining room where we were - if I have to be brutally honest.
marjie: thats exactly why I used that title - and another vote for hussein
jamie: check foodbuzz
nora: yuppsie daisies
5 star: take your time...
beth: thats about 4 for saddam
Lucky duck but you had me half heaving at armadillo. It's so nice to get spoiled at these foodie events isn't it. The picture - my vote is for Buddy Hackett.
Scallops can't taste bad, even the chef are bad. -!0
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