The cheese I started way back in June is as ready as it will ever get. I have to be honest - I am disappointed. I made two and ate the other one after a month and it was far better. It was a cream cheese style of base I began with and it was a better cheese after it aged.

This one was a mozzarella style of cheese I innoculated with mold and it did not work as well. It didnt mold enough internally and the flavor is not as pronounced. Live and learn-from now on its the cream cheese base that works and its the one I will do from here on out!
I should clear this up a bit - the cheese came out fine its that I was expecting it to be a lot stronger than it is. The mold was definitely not as permeated as in the cream cheese variety but the flavor still has a little bite to it. I may not like to fold my socks but I have very exacting standards when it comes to flavor!
Cheese making sounds so difficult and advanced for me, Christo, I think you've already done a great job ^_^.
awww..I'm sorry the mozzarella based one didn't turn out quite as good but hey, we learn from experience. The cheeses looked good,though.
Well, I wouldn't have known if you hadn't have said...because the first thing I said was "ooooohhhhh"! It look fabulous...bummer, though. But that's how we learn, right! I'm sure you'll use your lesson wisely :D
that cheese is a little scary looking, and I'm sorry it didn't work out like you wanted, but I'm super impressed that you tried!!
I'm with Girlichef, I wouldn't have know if you hadn't mentioned it. Sorry this one didn't turn out the way you had hoped. That's the nice thing about foods, you can make them over and over until you get them right.
I've never attempted to make cheese - good for you. Sounds difficult. I'm also with Girlichef, I wouldn't have known if you hadn't said. Keep trying. Food is supposed to be fun, right?
wow - I am thoroughly impressed!!! Even if the 2nd one didn't turn out as good as you wanted...still!
kenny: thanks ...I try
peachkins: learning is the best part
girli: you know its not bad its just not as strong as I was hoping
lk: moldy and delightful
jenn: thats exactly right!
my carolina: it sounds more difficult than it really is..
danielle: well thank you very much
You made your own cheese?! I'm impressed! I was just listening to a segment on NPR the other day about cheese making & was totally intrigued!
I've seen a show before where they were making artisan cheeses and they can be so temperamental!
Too bad it wasn't as good as you liked, but great effort!
I don't think I could be so patient!
Wow u have done great job the cheese is really looking so good.
That is one fierce looking cheese! It's far beyond my cheesability I'm afraid!
I like your choice of word innoculated. Can have many twists to it.
It's still impressive that you tried, I'm sure next time will be a lot better.
Wow. Kudos to you for the courage alone. Although I have to say ... this doesn't look bad at all.
I'm impressed you even tried to make that stuff, and learned something you could share- thanks!
P.S. Still need your mailing address!
Regardless of the outcome, I'm impressed by the effort.
Live and learn, indeed. You perform some fine food experiments, no doubt about it!
Sorry you didn't like this batch as well. I am still impressed that you made cheese. Pretty cool.
Still very much an accomplishment. Well done. It's not too often folks are making cheese at home like this.
The fact that you tried to make your own cheese is impressive enough. Your so talented:)
well, it sure looks darn pretty.
Bummer ... but I'm still hella impressed that you're making your own blues. Remarkable!
Too bad about the second one, but it looks like it should be delicious.
At least it looks pretty.
You are being way too hard on yourself. I would happily eat that cheese!
Perhaps a slight disappointment, but the fact that you made cheese "from scratch" is pretty amazing.
Your cheese looks like a mean motherf*cker!
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