These magic brownies have a secret ingredient, an ingredient that is good for you- Okara. I have mentioned okara before - it is the pulp left over after you have made soy milk and it is oh so good for you.
I put all the regular things you put into making a cake - eggs, oil, baking powder/soda a bit of salt some sugar, soy milk and chocolate to make a batter and I put this batter into my nifty new pan that makes mini cakes.
Nutrition never tasted so good.
I know I said I was going to start posting recipes and I have yet to do it - I dont know if its a mental block or a rebellion, I cant decide. If there is any recipe that you want I am more than happy to e mail it out and hopefully I will get over my 'issue' and start posting them soon. In the interim - enjoy these vitality cakes.
no mental block...just plain 'ole rebellion on your part! ;)
why'd you have to go and ruin them with that soy crap, huh? you almost had me there, just for a second....then I got to the "soy" and said, "fuhgetabouit"!!! give me my 2%!!!
Love the pan. I think you are just a rebel..Attractive quality in a man. If you are truly doling out recipes, I want the one Ive asked you for before.. buttercream cakes.
I love that pan! That first photo is really gorgeous! I bet these are moist and delicious. Nice!
beth: hey the soy is good for you and you dont even notice its there
donna: I gotta get that out to you - its basically cake with buttercream frosting - does that help?
ungourmet: very moist - not too brownie like at all
Fuck the recipes. Your blog rocks just as it is. I'd love for you to post them, but the added responsibility probably isn't worth it. Your blog is incredibly fabulous without them. I've always wanted to quit relying on recipes anyway. Your ingredient descriptions are so well written, I should be able to duplicate them on my own...or at least something edible. So there...
It looks extremely yummy... I just cant resists the look... Badly wanna have it right away.. :) great job and the magic is awesome.
Aww looks delicious and tempting! And well said..nutritional stuff would never have tasted so good!!
On first read-thru, I thought this said, "Okra" instead of "Okara."
And I was totally getting the recipe on that one because, having seen how okra thickens up catfish gumbo, I really wanted to see what it does to cake batter.
Although I was prepared to throw away what I figured would be some really nasty brownies in the name of science....
You cook the way I do - "How about if I throw in a handful of this!" So it's hard to write down a recipe. I'm working on my writing skills, because I'm working on that cookbook for college kids, mine especially.
That *is* a nifty pan! Funny, I first read Okara as Okra ... so for a minute I was mighty confused when you mentioned the soy milk! LOL
They look great.
I like the baking form.
now I have another okara recipe.
p.s. doggy, you have posted two entries last 24 hours...no wonder you are busy
Angie's Recipes
Just in case you want to make more okara or soya stuff:
Power And Joy Of Soya
It just looks delicious..So tempting..just can't wait 2 have them dear...
jill: thats exactly what I wanted to say!
nithya: thanks - magic is awesome
pooja: well hidden, nutrition can become highly favorable
jeanne: okra cake might not be a bad idea...
marjie: that is it! I know what goes into things so I wing it for the most part...
diva: amazon had the pan on sale for 3.99 - hard to say no
angie: a post a day usually - and thanks to you I have many more okara recipes....
aysha: oh go ahead and eat three - they are healthy...
This is the first I've heard of okara. I like soy milk, too.
Pretty good looking brownies too. Definitely magical indeed!!
Ooooh!!I agree with you-"nutrition" can never taste better than this :)
i love that baking tray!! i've never seen one like that before.
jenn: okara is good for all kinds of things - veggie burgers are popular
sweta: and its true!
christinaK: amazon - $3.99
Healthy cakes, thats a dream,
and if toppled with berries and cream..
It makes me scream!
I just had to rhyme, even if it was a simple one, because I just got a little bit excited..
Sadly, not the "magic" brownies I was hoping for ;)
That pan is cool! The magic brownie ingredient is okara... they used to call it "pot".... :)
those are some nice cakes :)
I am intrigued by the okara--did that and the soy milk give the cakes an overly soy taste (smell?)
I've never heard of okara - interesting! That pan is pretty cool & the cakes look very delicious!
You're rebelling! Don't lie!
anette: nice poem did you write that from home or is it so good because you are in the woods?
finsmom: that was the 'other' batch
buff: hey the names were changed to protect the innocent...
tavolini: no soy taste at all but I like tofu and soy so maybe I cant tell
fresco: I cant wait to use it again to make mini layer cakes
TBD: who said? nuh uh! what do you mean?
Great okara application! When I was growing up, my mom went through a phase where she made soy milk from scratch every single day and we had TONS of okara in the freezer. My mom's notebooks have at least 30 okara recipes. Don't remember brownies being one of them. Brilliant.
These look great! And, I want that pan.
That looks like something that might actually stay good in the mail.............
caahhhint, cahint....excuse me!
leela: share some of those recipes one day - I make soy milk all the time...
lisaiscooking: amazon....4 bucks
micky: e mail me an address I will mail you some moldy cakes....seriously - I will freeze them first to prolong their life...lets see if it works
You must say where you got that mini cake pan!
What sweet little treats! I'm all for the okara - as long as it tastes good. I've never know you to steer us wrong!
I've never even heard of okara...the magic in my brownies was always something else...They look luscious!
I have to have one of those pans. I dont care whats in those bownies they look great
The brownies look so wonderful! I like the way you presented it.
What is that garnish?
Is it edible?
Great pan. I'm with you on the recipes - the pictures and the words of wisdom are just fine.
Magic brownies and secret ingredients had me going for a bit! 8-)
Okara sounds intriguing - I wonder if I can find it as is; or am I going to have to make soy milk for myself (chocolate, natch!)?
Scrumptious looking brownies! Love your presentation!
wow that pan is so cute! Pics r very tempting!!
Without the recipe it is just a tease! These magic brownies look fabulous! The photo is beautiful, too.
oooh very interesting...Love it!
I have never seen a little square mini cakes tin like that before, not ever, I WANT ONE lol
Oh they look drool worthy.....
glad to find an okara recipe here :) sound delish and tempting. luv the pan doggy :)
you make things pretty.
That is the cutest pan!
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