
Monday, October 31, 2011

Bobby Flay is in the house! - so to speak - its a giveaway

What would be the next best thing to having Bobby Flay in your kitchen? That would be having Bobby Flay in your kitchen thats what! Its the 15th anniversary of the Mohegan Sun and I am giving away a signed cookbook by Bobby Flay! You might have had a chance to eat at his restaurant Bar Americain well now you have a chance to win a signed Bar Americain cookbook!

Check out some of the fun.

So how can you win? Easy. Leave a comment telling me why this would be the coolest thing in your kitchen because the coolest thing in your kitchen now is_____________? I will pick the best one and if they are all good then I will use because I am fair like that. Good Luck!

Disclaimer: I wasnt compensated in any way to give this cookbook away - I did it because I wanted to.


Sippity Sup said...

Well the coolest thing in my kitchen are the knives I won here! Here's hoping my luck holds. GREG

snugs said...

the coolest thing in my cocina is ME, does that count?? OK, if not, the coolest thing in my cocina is my bottle of homemade vanilla made with the vanilla beans that a very cool chef from NYC sent to me (am I kissing up again or what??) I never win anything and it's my birthday week, I wanna win!!!

Anonymous said...

Why?why? How can you ask why?It is almost for a foodie like winning the Lotto prize.And as I do not live anywhere near I will(if I win it ) pass it onto one of my blogging friends there and why?Because winning is nice giving is nicer;))That's why:))

Anonymous said...

A beautiful blue casserole dish...I LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

My new Miele dishwasher

Barbara said...

Nice giveaway. I do like Bobby Flay....he's parlayed his cooking talent big time.
My favorite kitchen item? My Kitchen Aid mixer.

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

You make it hard don't you? What can be cooler than Bobby in your kitchen! I think his personality and laugh comes across as genuine and he seems so down to earth and fun to be around. I saw him on his Brunch show cooking with his gorgeous wife Stephanie and (shh, don't tell) got a little pain of jealousy.

The next best thing to Bobby in my kitchen would be two of my favorite knives. I even took them to France, wrapped securely in my checked baggage, just in case the house we rented didn't have good knives. Crazy, huh.

Lea Ann said...

The coolest thing in my kitchen right now is the Rosemary plant I brought in from outdoors to save from the freezing weather. Smells so good, and surely Bobby has a recipe or two using fresh Rosemary.

Lulu Carmichael said...

The coolest thing in my kitchen is a signed copy of Graham Kerr's book "Growing At the Speed of Life". A signed Bobby Flay cookbook would put me over the moon!!

Marjie said...

The coolest thing in my kitchen is the new open cabinet my son just built. A new cookbook to live on that shelf would be even cooler.

Velva said...

It's not often that I can brag but, I've got a signed personal copy of Bobby's cookbook. I received from a friend who went to Vegas....My understanding was that my name threw him for a loop, and had to ask if he heard the name right...Okay, I will stop bragging.

This is a great cookbook. The lucky winner is going to love it.


Laura said...

The coolest thing in my kitchen is my daughter when she is cooking and baking with me. I met Bobby in Miami and NY...huge fan. A friend took me to the Mesa Grill in NY...will have to go to Bar Americain next trip. My daughter and I both have a little chef crush on Bobby too. :)

Lori Lynn said...

Hi Christo - we had a spectacular brunch at Mesa Grill in Vegas in September, Bobby Flay was there doing a book signing, but alas, the line was too long for our group to wait. So I've been meaning to order this book.

Coolest thing in my kitchen right now...fresh matsutake.

Vickie said...

The coolest things in my kitchen are the jars of serrano peppers I put up with olive oil and veggies - crazy good. I would adore a new cookbook for my shelves!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

The coolest thing in my kitchen is my yellow lab, Lambeau. Besides the sweetest companion, she's excellent at cleaning up my baking messes :)

Fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

this would be the coolest thing in my kitchen because the coolest thing in my kitchen now is my spice collection since my roommate has taken over the kitchen as well as most of the rest of MY apartment.

shrley daniels said...

the cooliest thing in my kitchen is my five year old babygirl requesting bobby flays pretzel sticks with cheddar cheese and the peppers she loves to roll the dough

Kim Bee said...

The coolest thing in my kitchen is a super small pink spatula. Now don't judge me yet. It is a little pink plastic spatula that belonged to my Mother. You can actually see a picture of it on my blog in my fave things section. After she passed and I moved out, I came back to the house to cook my Dad Christmas dinner and came upon the spatula. I asked my Dad if I could have it and my Dad being the pain in the butt he always was made a barter with me for an insanely expensive cake plate with silver cover I had. So I traded my gazillion dollar cake stand for the dime store spatula. Cut to now and I bought my folks home after my Dad passed and the little pink spatula is now residing in the same drawer it was in when I was a kid. I now use it with my own kids just like my Mom did with us. I know it's sappy but it's the coolest, most prized thing I own.

Jillymo said...

The coolest thing in my kitchen right now are my autographed copy of Michael Symon's "Live to Cook" book, and an autographed copy of Rocco Dispirito "Now Eat This". You give me Bobby Flay's book, and I'll work on getting it autographed :)

Colleen at Forty Something Bride said...

The coolest thing in my kitchen right now is my freezer. Yup, I have an uncool kitchen, you could hip it up by throwing a little Bobby Flay my way!

teresa said...

hmmm, i'd have to say the coolest thing in my kitchen is my little jar of saffron that is begging to be used. of course, a bobbly flay book would be SO much cooler :)

itzykitty said...

The coolest thing in my kitchen is downright ole fashioned. It has been used for almost 90 years. It has been used for cookies and it has been used for bread. It had a very humble beginning.

It is not colorful, and it has a crack down the middle. It probably is not worth five dollars. Curious? Well, let me continue... I am not the owner of it yet. My mom used it while raising 6, yes *6* kids. It used to part of something bigger.

Not one of the other kids wants it, when mom is gone. However, I want it. Give up yet?

It is a simple oak bread board from an old hosier cabinet. My grandfather had this cabinet when mom was a little girl. Grandpa was from Poland. Grandma died when she was 30 years old, leaving grandpa to raise 4 kids by himself during the depression.

If only this board could talk! What would it say?? All of the children are still living. The oldest is in her 90's. Mom is the second oldest. And then there are two more.

I remember Polish angel wing cookies being rolled on this board, along with many pie crusts. And I remember packi' (Polish jelly donuts) mom made with love. She made so many ---they would have put donut stores out of business.
So you see, I am now the pastry person. I make the pies, the cookies, the tarts, and more.
And this has to be the very coolest thing around in any kitchen!

Angel said...

The coolest thing in my kitchen besides ten pounds of beautiful chocolate is a vintage metal cherry pitter that my youngest brother gave to me the summer of the locust. The birds were so busy with the locusts that they left the cherries alone and my three cherry trees filled my freezer and my jam shelf, with plenty left over to share.

Sadhana Ginde said...

The coolest thing I have in my kitchen are some very old ancient Indian cooking tools passed down from generation to generation. I am lucky to have these pieces of history from my family. Some could be more than 100 yrs old. Chef Flay's cookbook -- new & modern next to my ancient tools, kinda sums up what cooking is all about :-)

Teresa said...

The coolest thing in my kitchen is memories. Memories of cooking with my grandmother. I still have a lot of her recipes, but they're in my head, not written down. Those are the most treasured things of mine.

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