Morel mushroom season is here again at last and I am fortunate enough to be a contestant in the MarxFoods 3rd Annual Morel Mushroom Challenge. Without further ado here is my entry.
The recipe is easy:
Morel Mushroom Mousse
8-10 dried morel mushrooms
2 stalks of green onion
1/4 cup chopped parsley
4 oz butter
1/2 cup champagne
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 cup heavy cream
Reconstitute the dried mushrooms in the champagne. (reserve 2 mushrooms to slice and use as garnish) Saute mushrooms, onions and parsley in butter until soft. Add the champagne that mushrooms were reconstituted in and reduce until dry. Cool completely. In food processor, combine mushroom mixture, Parmesan cheese and salt until finely chopped. In a stand mixer whip the cream to stiff peaks then fold in the cooled mushroom mixture. Pipe mixture into tiny tart shells or onto crackers. Decorate with parsley leaf and discs of sauteed morel mushrooms. This mousse is equally good pipped onto some hot pasta for a new twist on the classic Alfredo.
Makes filling for one dozen 2-1/2 inch tarts, or tons of crackers or a few bowls of pasta.
Light, rich, flaky and delicious - so good with a nice cold glass of champagne but you could also enjoy these with a sparking cider or even a nice dry pale ale.
Wish me luck!
......and while my entry is morel mushroom mousse in a puff pastry cup I thought I would further entice you with the idea of having it in pasta.
Have you seen Migrating Feast?
love those puff pastry up..
Beautiful! I like the addition of champagne in your mousse, nice.
Wow! I like the look of that...and the pasta of course! Wish I could get a taste of that wonderful looking food on my screen! Good luck in the contest:D
Good luck in the contest!
I need to look in my backyard for those mushroom.
Nice entry...good luck!
I'll take morel any day, any way I can get it!
I need to go shroomin again . . . this looks fabulous. I'm partial to the pasta, but that's me.
Good luck!!
G-Wiz .. it's like you're the king of the world ...
You are the king of the morels.
Sounds great! Thanks for sharing!
You're killing me with these morels! Have you even stuffed them in an omelet? Oh my. Had them once at the Greenbriar like that. In the most divine sauce. I asked, the chef wasn't budging. My mother used to be so good at figuring recipes out. I suck at it.
Still, Mother's way of dipping them in flour and frying them in butter is still my preferred method. Of course, that only works with fresh. :(
I love fresh and dried mushrooms and combine with puff pastry, what not to like? Although Morel Mushrooms are hard to find.
I grew up hunting morel mushrooms with my dad...SO wonderful. What a gorgeous dish you've made with my favorite shroom :)
♥peachkins♥ - me too
Star Foodie it made it tangy in a way
Jeannie you can but I dont know how
mexico in my kitchen you have these in your yard?
FOODalogue looks like we are on the same page
Vickie go shroomin for me
Keri you got that right
marjie ha...
Christine's Pantry you are welcome
Barbara oh I have done all kinds of things with these little crowns
BestOodles - authentic easy Burmese recipe - I wish I could send you some
Lizzy you have the memories that I wish to have...
Love the puff pastries! I am now hungry, good luck and as I always say, if you don't win it's rigged!
Great looking puffs! And champagne...yum!
Wow, that mousse looks like something you'd see on Iron Chef. Well done with the challenge.
That looks wonderful. I have to remember to tell my friend about this. She is going morel harvesting this weekend.
Bonne chance mon ami!
Like how you sliced the morel for garnish.
These are gorgeous!!! Good luck :)
Morels in puff pastry with champagne and cream, whip into a mousse and it is a dream, tie in green onion and parmesan too...these are a few of my favorite things! LOL, better than my attempt at channeling Julie Andrews! Lovely!
Sure to get my vote..love your creation with the morel mushrooms! Although, the Italian in me is enticed by that plate of pasta.
This is an AWESOME entry! You don't need luck! But I'll wish it to you anyway! Good luck!
oh my wow those looks so tasty! I want one like now.haha
This looks and sounds delicious!!
Yum! These look delicious!
Wow they look amazing!
You know how I love me some morels!
I love morels and I think you deserve to win!
You are such a clever, creative guy. I would never have thought of a morel mousse, but I sure would love to taste it. It goes without saying that the pasta dish stole my heart.
Congratulations Christo!
Congrats on your big win... can't wait to see what other tasty Morel recipes you come up with!
I loves me some 'shrooms. Looking very gourmet.
Sorry I've been MIA lately, Christo....I'm baaack.
I love the idea of Champagne in here. I have never used Champagne in cooking. Thanks :)
Good luck with the contest
It looks so tasty. Unfortunately, it is hard to find morel mushrooms in my city, i will prepare this with another type of mushroom, what do you think?
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