Bisque is soups royal cousin! Lobster bisque with faux tomalley.

Who doesnt like a good bisque? Bisque, the word itself conjures up all kinds of quasi sophisticatedness, it isnt a stew, or a soup or a broth - no it is a bisque and as a bisque it gets to stand at the front of the line. Bisques have clout. Having finished a big job over the weekend I was left with 40 lobster bodies to do with what I may and I decided I may want to make a bisque, so I did.
Since these "torsos" had all the little legs attached and since they all have little bits of succulent lobster meat inside I took on the tedious chore of extracting it from each and every one, if you are nice I will tell you the secret to removing the meat with little effort.
With almost a half a pound of "little leg meat" and another half pound of random claw meat I was all set, plus there was the 12 ounces or so of tomalley and roe and tail trimmings that I was able to salvage thereby making the bisque really start to fall into shape, after all I am making about a gallon of this lustful nectar.
Follow your favorite bisque recipe, add in the tomalley, roe and tail trimmings blend with an immersion blender add cream and enjoy with some crusty bread.
I decided to make a little avocado sour cream (two ripe avocados and a 16 ounce container of sour cream mixed) to emulate the look of the tomalley and to give my bisque a little more character. Waste not want not, I walk the walk and I talk the talk!
oh yes lobster bisque. is there truly anything more decadent? love this.
Forty bodies....wow. Did I miss something. How did you end up with all of these beauties? You sure know how to turn lemons into lemonade. Your bisque is fantastic.
I'll have mine with a glass of champaign please!
Pure decadence!
looks like an uber tasty bisque!!
Lobster bisque is so decadent, especially with a little Cognac or sherry.
What? 40 lobster bodies. What a bounty and I love that you picked out every last morsel of meat. You are a champ!
Looks incredibly delicious and decadent! I wouldn't mind eating a bowl with a good glass of wine!
Phenomenal. Great post. I'm a fan of Bisques. thanks
I'm very, very good -- will you give me the secret to getting the meat out of the little tiny legs? Please?
40 lobster bodies are alot of bodies! Great looking bisque. Just the sound of bisque and crusty bread has me craving this beautiful dish.
I'd like life to give ME some lobsters!
This is a gorgeous bisque recipe--so luxurious!
Very decadent! I love the addition of the avocado cream!
I'll be estactic if I were to be given 40 bodies of lobsters! You cook them to perfection! At least the photos said so:)
ohhhhh....drool....ahhhhhhh... I have a bit of a love affair with bisque! This looks amazing!
You are on a roll. What's the secret?
I could eat bowl after bowl of lobster bisque and never get tired of it. Yours looks delicious!
So, now you want us to lust after your bisque! We do! Forty lobsters is quite a pile of them, and quit a price tag, I'm sure.
Ha-ha. A great ode to bisques, and yours looks magnificent! Now, about that secret . . . ?
Why o why won't life hand me 40 lobster bodies to craft into a beautiful bisque?! Great dish, wonderful pictures and I can only imagine the deliciousness.
Pass me a bowl, yum.
Oh wow that looks good. I can't be hungry. It's way too late. I have to get the heck off your blog!
Geez. That's a mess of lobster! You know, I don't think I've tried lobster bisque. It looks fantastic!
Oh bisque! I have only ever tasted bisque on cruise ships! The thought of eating it at my own kitchen table is breathtaking! Thank you for the recipe!
I worked at a restaurant that had lobster bisque - a cup was $6 bucks but you could upsell it by suggesting they have lump lobster on top (an extra $6) and then a small glass of sherry to pour into the soup (an extra $5).
I was the queen of selling the $17 cup of soup!
And it was divine!
Mmmm. I love lobster bisque.
And you're right -- just the name conjures enjoyment.
I'd love to know the secret to extracting the meat with little effort. Please?
Oh I have a special place in my heart for lobster---prepared just about anyway I am there.
Your bisque looks very pretty--love the avocado tomalley!
You had come a long way since the last time I visited your site. Congratulations. I do love the roasted peppers you have in pictures in some of your previous post.
Great job!
the secret to removing the meat from little lobster legs and little crab legs is to place them on a cutting board and use a rolling pin to squeeze the meat right up and out the broken end of the leg....it works like a charm!
I'd love to try this....it's one of my favorites. There was a restaurant in TriBeCa in NYC (now gone) that had the best I ever tasted. I've been searching ever since.
Mmmm...I've actually been craving lobster bisque lately. Actually it was more like crab bisque, but i'll take the lobster kind any day!!
Sweet Baby Jesus! That looks delicious!
Okay, life never EVER gives me lobsters...but if it did!!! Sounds decadent and gorgeous and I wish I had a bowl w/ that avocado cream. Ahhhh. Awesome tip about rolling the meat out, too. The tomalley is so under used...I'm glad you whizzed it right in. I love mixing it into a butter. Not that I've had it in ages...but I remember way back when like it was yesterday ;).
mmm...lobster bisque...dude, I am very envious of your gourmet life!
wow, this looks wonderful!
mmmm I had to take the curtains off due to my family wanting to read my blog...I don't want them to think I am a freak although I think they already think I am
Heff LOVES the lobster !
Looks awesome. One of my all time favorites; lobster bisque. You lnow, I just can't help being a little bit of a diva and being a bit bisquey when I enjoy that dish. Looks perfect!
lobsters...really yum yum.
I haven't come in for awhile, but I picked a good post.
If I'm eating a lobster, I suck the meat and juice out of every leg, it's head and anywhere else there is meat!
Holy cannolis, batman...that is a TASK. I am almost more impressed with your conviction of getting the meat out. I suppose, if you sit on a covered porch in a rocking chair, it would be similar to shelling field peas.
(which is one of my favorite summertime chores)
Looks absolutely delicious and I *know* it is...just wish I could be there to eat it ;)
Wow look at all that delicious lobster. My other half would gladly take a bowl of that! I might have one too.... ;)
Yum!! Looks delicious. We love bisque, but never make it, especially lobster.
Oooh! What IS the secret? I feel bad giving up on that last bit of meat, but I've yet to figure out the extraction secret on my own!
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