Seriously, it really doesnt matter now. If you came here because you thought this blog was different, well thats where you are wrong. I am just as self serving and pedantic as the next guy. You want poetry, I got poetry. You want angst - I'll give you angst. I said I was going to give you lobster macarons but all I ended up with was lobster with lobster meringues. This Mofo likes to experiment, its all a part of being a food enthusiast.

In my minds eye these were going to be a whole other cupcake but when it came down to it this is what they were. First off I have never made a macaron before so to attempt a savory macaron on my first jump was bold to say the least.

This should be more aptly titled - "how to take an ordinary lobster and really throw it through the mill" The mill in this case is whipped egg whites with lobster stock and lobster bits and a little red food coloring to make them look more lobster like.

I know what you are saying "thats hardly any at all" and you would be right but what you dont know is that you can only eat one they are so rich. There is the tomalley in the meringue and the lobster salad together makes each bite lobster packed. With a little fine tuning these could evolve into quite a tasty little appetizer. I have enough of the meringues to make another dish, some kind of napoleon or a lobster pavlova maybe.
I am submitting this to Hefs Culinary Smackdown.
I don't know how you come up with this stuff and I am sure that I could eat more than one!
^5 man! you done good! never made a savory macaron either but shit, i would love to try.
and keep that creativity going man...
Give me lobster any day, any way! I am NOT like Julie in Julia/Julie. I have no problem cooking these guys. And you should see my daughter eat one. There is not a speck left. Not in the legs, claws or body. She is a wild woman when it comes to lobster.
This is so creative! I can't wait to see what else you come up with!
I have to give you credit. I still have not attempted macarons and to think you did it with LOBSTER! You couldn't start with plain old vanilla macarons could you - you are always taking it up another notch. I'm sure these taste fabulous even if they didn't turn out how you wanted.
snugs: they are seriously rich
dawn: thanks dawn!!!!!!
barbara: my son is the same way with lobster, blue crab and crab legs - he tears it up!
linda: the little meringues are so flavorful - they remind me of shrimp crackers
Definitely out there. Props on the creativity!
I've never had lobster in any way except boiled, with nothing on it whatsoever. No butter or seasonings or anything (especially no lobster rolls, given my aversion to mayonnaise). Growing up I spent every summer in Maine on the shore, and with lobster that good I never saw any reason to eat it other than as is.
Tomalley, on the other hand, requires being paired with something in order for me to eat it. It's the color...
If lobster were cheaper I'd definitely experiment with it, but I'd probably screw up and waste perfectly lovely crustaceans. I'm glad this didn't turn into the wretched disaster I would have made it into. :)
This is amaaaazing! And the first picture is scary looking :)
Ummm...you did save me some right?????? This is way awesome!!
This is the first savory macaron I've seen! I'd love to try one, just to confirm that they are indeed so very rich - and then I'd have another, just because I know they'd be too delicious to pass up!
ahaha I like were you were going with this!! and very daring ti fiddle with a mac recipe on your first attempt!
you rock Dog. i love how you just throw shit together and it comes out fabulous!!!!! you da man!!! XOXOX
Oh man! These look completely delicious! I love the sound of a savory macaron. Genius!
What a big lobster! Love the presentation...beautiful macaroons...so unique! Looks very delicious.
what's cooking in June? I'll be in New York the second week of June.. work related. What is the typical June weather in the big apple?
I have to say this is quite impressive. Macarons are tough. From what I can tell. But no matter how these look, they must have been seriously tasty.
RICH was my first thought. But BOLD is a good adjective too.
Bold and Rich? Isn't that the name of a really bad country/rap/schlock hybrid band?
I followed you over from Heff's. You're way out there on this. I t would have taken a 2 X 4 to the head for me to put this together. Did the bits of lobster stay moist in the macaron? I'm trying to imagine the texture.
Nice job.
Ooh, savory macaron - how intriguing! Looks spectacular too!
Extremely creative. Donna will be impressed !
I like the idea of a savory macaron. Great thinking! Sounds pretty delicious too.
I am digging that combo. Personally, I think it sounds delicious, very inspiring.
I'm glad you used the tomalley...total lobster essence!
You had me until the tomalley! This looks awesome anyway! You always come up with dishes that are off the charts!
True to form- off the wall and good!
A super cool idea! very creative!
This is off-the-hook! I'd love to taste the merangue - is it like the prawn crackers my Vietnamese friend turned me on to?
Your little lobster rolls look wonderful!
How can you eat food that's looking at you?
Very, VERY creative!! :-)
how do you NOT have a book deal with all this genius???
this is absolutely stunning!
and i havent had lobster since FOREVER ago
Da-yum! Very nice indeed. Yes, the lobster is very rich so I can imagine how rich these must be. Love your take on the throwdown, love the meringues! Beauty mate!
I like your photos too, do you take them yourself? I like the blue background with the lobster.
I'm up with a rich lobster souffle. 2 sticks of butta and seven eggs, it's a cholesterol coma fo sho.
This is fascinating. I think it's the most original thing I've seen you do. (Or maybe I just don't get out much.)
Not a shellfish fan but have a HUGE appreciation for the art of cooking. Beautiful!!
This is an official announcement. I will NEVER make macarons. You can count on it! Not that there is a thing in the world wrong with your version. But macarons have exploded on blogs like nothing I have ever seen! Are they really that good? GREG
I would love to eat them raw with wasabi! And cook the shell and claws with congee!!!
very original. This is going to be tough.
You are amazing.
Man, I'll take the lobster any which way you want to give it.
Very creative! Great use of lobster!
oh wow this is so cool and very creative great job
Man, what a creative post. These babies must be fabulously rich. Save me one; I'll be right over.
I am so impressed and I was laughing at your writing; yeah, I want funny and you are funny man! and creative! GReat looking macarons, they could be served at La Tour d'Argent or whatever latest French joint is in these days! As for the leftovers, I would just make a zillion lobster-flavored meringues and eat them like chips! (you have had shrimp=flavored chips before haven't you?)
um... YUM! I'm so glad you've joined our culinary throwdown challenges, and I'm even more glad to have found your blog!.
I hope you get major points!
Thank for the kind words about my artcle. Glad I read your blog, it is well-written and informative. Look forward to following you here. Cheers!
I love the last photo.The lobster is staring at me...
blowing peachkisses
The Peach Kitchen
peach and things
A lobster macaroon! NoOw that is different
If I was a lobster, I would commit hara kiri just to be in one of your macarons. My favorite pic is the one of the lobster perched proprietarily (or defensively) over the little lobster treats below.
Lobster merengue, that is a bit strange, but kind of interesting! I've never met a salty macaroon before! But it looks very impressive, especially the first Lobster, love the colors!
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