When the weather outside is frightful I turn to things delightful and nothing sounds better than fried starch. I know, when you say it like that there isnt much to look forward to so how about some shoestring potatoes instead.
Crack out your sharpest knife or be lazy like me and use a mandoline.
No not a mandoline with strings, a cutter kind of mandoline - with blades.

Rinse the potatoes well and fry in 350 F oil until golden and crispy. Serve with burgers, a sandwich, or even your morning eggs. Trust me they will warm you right up and if not, no matter at least you got to eat some fried potatoes.
oh I bet your son loved you!, its ok if you fry in a healthy oil LOL
I think my son would appreciate this stringy crispiness too!
These look so light and crispy. Good comfort food is a must every once in a while.
mmmmm....fresh, hot, fried taters...I want some!!
have you ever fried your taters in peanut oil? what a difference. that's all I use for my sweet potato fries.
chow: who doesnt love fresh fries?
anette: I dont know who likes them more - me or him
melody: a total must!
girli: come and get em!
dawn: I ran out but with your reminder its on my grocery list for tomorrow
I need to get a new mandoline so I can make shoestring potatoes. Looks good!
I bought a mandoline and hated it. I gave it to my daughter for her college apartment, and I don't even want to know if she and her roomies have used it. I would just love those fried potatoes! I'll make the eggs if you'll bring the potatoes!
I love my mandolin and have yet to make potatoes like this. Thanks for the reminder. YUM
I have a French Fry cutter that I use. I'll have to get the mandolin out and give that a try to cut the skinny little shoe strings. Now I've got to go find me some Idaho Spuds. (They're hard to find here in Idaho)
I would to have a mandolin. I'm definitely one of the lazy types. Not enough patience to stand around and thinly slice a potato for shoestrings. I guess I'm stuck with the thick versions until I do get one.
Awww. yummy!
What a fabulous idea! Shoe string potatoes would be awesome to serve up instead of the just plain potato fries.
Stay warm. I know it is freezing in New York!
Those are better than normal french fries, because it's mostly crunchy and crispy. Yum....
fried taters.... yum
How did you know I'm craving greasy and starchy? These would hit the spot right now!
Nothing better than hot, fresh, homemade fries.
It's true. Sometimes you just crave a good french fry.
My children would fight over these gems.
They look like these tiny sliver fish we ate as an appetizer in Chinese restaurants.
These potatoes thin strips must be very crisp.
I've got a mandolin, but it's a cheap one! Wife loves to use it..
Homemade french fries is one of my most favorite food ever! Now I need to make some...
I love fried taters.
I say for breakfast!
Yum yum smothered in yoke.
i'll take a whole basket! happy new year!
Oh yum. Good-n-greasy is the best.
what a good idea! will try this soon! and I also love the long life noodles!! Happy New Year Doggy!
Those look so perfectly crispy! Time to get my mandoline out!
Wow! Those really are perfect fried potatoes! Perfect! Now that's what I want for dinner.
And wishing you a fabulous Happy & Healthy 2010, Christo!
Yum! I would love some nice crispy fries right about now. YUMYUM
Beautiful shoestring potatoes. Comfort food is always a hit in my book.
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