
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

the hustle

invented a new dance and you do it with your mouth its called the Agnolotti. I'm telling you that my taste buds are doing the cha-cha right now and thats no joke. My tongue is tickled all the way to my ears. Buitoni Wild Mushroom Agnolotti is serious business. I could eat this stuff right from the package.

I have been toiling over what to do for days now and then I said "forget it I will look around and see what I have on hand." I made some sundried tomatoes and packed them in a jar of olive oil, I had done the same with some dried wild mushrooms I found last fall and they too were soaking in olive oil. I had some half and half in the fridge so a sauce was born. I sauteed the dried tomatoes and dried mushrooms in a little of their own oil and some butter to soften them up a bit. Once the tomatoes and mushrooms were adequately soft I added in a little of the cream and simmered gently for a minute.

I poured this over the boiled pasta and threw a few thyme leaves on at the last minute because if you know - wild mushrooms taste really good with thyme - regular mushrooms taste really good with thyme - mushroom pasta must taste really good with thyme! I could not eat this fast enough to keep up with the samba in my mouth.


KennyT said...

Mama mia~~

Anonymous said...


LK- Healthy Delicious said...

for something you just whipped up based on what you had around, this looks downright fabulous!

Christo Gonzales said...

kenny t: mangia mangia

oneshot: decadent and sinful

healthy: it took minutes - if even.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this is a quick and easy pasta to dress up. Down and dirty, that's how we like it. No thyme like today for some 'shrooms.

Jenn said...

Good lordy!!! Give me some of that!! Super simple and easy. I want to do that dance, too!!

Reeni said...

Your generosity in dolling out the sauce is much appreciated. I would love to swim in that bowl, open-mouthed, of course!

snugs said...

you are seriously making me swoon..

snugs said...

ok, I think I did it myself w/o your help! Am I a big girl now or what?

Anonymous said...

Sounds easy, quick and looks fabulous! perfect sauce!

Joy said...

Have you missed me?

That looks really good!

Anette said...

Thyme: one of my favourites in my spice stable! I can only sigh with envy, when I see that food, and wish I had it here in front of me, right now!!

Christo Gonzales said...

duo: hell just fry the dang things - right....LOL - I tease

jenn: its a great dance and you dont need a partner

reeni: Oh I can certainly dole out the sauce....

snugs: you did it, you found a fake picture of a woman - kidding....

5 star: thanks - yours was nice too but I, regrettably, am allergic to walnuts...

joy: yes, where have you been, in DWTS ville or what?

anette: I use thyme a lot - I need to use enebaer more but I can never remember

Spin said...

What time is dinner? Yum!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, the amount of fat in the dish scares me a bit, but your pics totally make me forget about that. so simple, yet sooo luscious and with many depths of complex flavors! a bite of this (or more) will make me a very happy indulging gal!

Admin said...

Mmmm ... Looks good.
You're right about thyme and mushroom. They *so* go together.

Unknown said...

OH. MY. GOD that looks so good!!! I have to admit, I got a little "excited" when I saw this one, and then my stomach growled. I would be so freaking fat if you were my husband, live-in boyfriend, friend, cook, etc.

buffalodick said...

The photos were great as usual, but your description was excellent.. I could taste the dish through your words!

Christo Gonzales said...

spin: yesterday at 7:00....

burp: half and half and a small dollop of butter is a small fat price to pay....

leela: they do - its amazing how the thyme will bring out the mushroom and vice versa

bina: no need to worry I keep my wives, girlfriends, 'just friends' or whatevers pretty 'excercised'

BD: well thanks there BD its nice when the little things get should taste it!

Dana Fallentine said...

Can I just say... looks divine!

Anonymous said...


ARUNA said...

awesome presentation!!

Ken said...

Way not fair of you to put that fork in the photo, poised, as if to enter my mouth!

Christo Gonzales said...

~Dana: thanks a ton and welcome

nicole: I would have to second that...

aruna: thanks - that means a lot to me...

micky-t: I did it just for you - I am a tease like that.....

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

You have me drooling all over my keyboard! This is over the top and through the roof. Gorgeous pictures too. I hope you're entering this in the contest~

Tangled Noodle said...

I don't know what I was thinking when I submitted my recipe for Buitoni's agnolotti - it's going to get its pasta butt kicked by this.

Christo Gonzales said...

Katherine Aucoin: thanks - and I did - lets see. Did you enter one? I need to go look around and see.

Tangled Noodle: I wouldnt be too sure - yours was uber original and I thought about laying mine out like you did but in the end went for a 'pile'

lisaiscooking said...

Sounds like a delicious dance!

Varsha Vipins said...

You're right..That was one helluva tasty Pasta from Buitoni..I've posted myversion too..urs look sinful n creamy..:)
Thanks for the comment..:)

Stacey Snacks said...

I think I am just going to eat these agnolotti raw.
By the time I come up with an original sauce for them, they will have been past their expiration date!
Your sauce looks terrific!

Unknown said...

I love the new line of pasta they came out with...

*sniffs the air* I love the smell of pasta!

Hornsfan said...

yup I second all votes for this pasta line - they are pretty damn tasty and with your sauce - bueno!

mermayd said...

mmmm hmmmmm

Karen Brown Letarte said...

Ohhh, this looks absolutely delicious! What a great recipe! :)
I want to try it. Am making spaghetti and meatballs today-- I am just a fiend for pasta.

:) K

Kim said...

I loved mine too girl! I was thinking about them today!!!

Sweta (My Indian Dietitian) said...

This sounds so good!! BTW,I'm doing the dance right now as I'm typing this comment;)

gaga said...

That looks great! I love mushrooms and pasta together, and your sauce looks heavenly!

tavolini said...

I still haven't decided what to do with mine...I'm going to end up with just a plain red sauce, I'm afraid..

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