No sugar beets today!
Instead I go outside to take my kid to school this morning and this is what we find. Ironically we had to drive 300 miles the day before for a family issue so it was 'good luck' that it didnt happen then.
So there is no happy challah bread, half eaten.
No happy easy eggs with avocado.
No happy easy eggs with avocado and red chile.
Only my car, and a tree knocked over by the 'weather' - fortunately it was the driver door mirror that was damaged, well that and my now deep seated psychological problems stemming from trees, weather, cars, and strange neighbors 'washing' it. (I dont know this guy)
I fell behind on comment response since we were 300 miles away (well we were really only 160 miles away it was 320 round trip, I like to exaggerate to make my anguish more anguishy) and I did not take my laptop.
You are lucky that the damage was so minimal.
And I love the kindness of fellow New Yorkers giving you a free car wash!
What are the chances!
stace: incredibly lucky (I guess) and yeah pretty funny - I didnt tell him it was my car I just snapped a few pictures and let him do what he wanted to do...
Good thing it wasn't major damage, just before Christmas!I guess you have other things to use time and money on! Do you keep your camera in your pocket?
anette: I do, I take my camera everywhere I go!
New Yorkers are an interesting group of people...good thing he was using a water hose!
I was on jds223's page with the hose!Gee who woulda thought that it was a tree you had to watch out for in the wilds of NYC?
hey, my car needs washing:)
the eggs n chile n avacado look wonderful..
jds223: that IS a good thing!
starrlife: yup, trees and mold and blinding fashion!
snugs: bring it on over to my block, I am sure this guy will oblige...and those eggs and avocado and chile were damn good.
Yep, lucky!!! I absolutely pissed myself laughing when I read that you dont know the guy with the hose!!! WHAT THE?????????
Maybe hes blind and he used to water the tree so now hes watering your car>>>>>> ha ha ha ha
Well that car got busted deep! Is nature taking it's revenge? Or is nature trying to get your attention?
Sorry about your ride dude. At least is wasn't a '57 Impala with chrome hubcaps and a chainlink steering wheel.
mandi: I wanted to give him a bucket of soap....
sofia: busted barely, actually, but nature is always the champion.
Loose one sideview mirror and find another.
francesco: how do you know I dont have a chrome chain link steering wheel?
andres: if only life could be so simple...
New Yorkers are NUTS!!! and I'm so glad that you weren't IN the car when this happened and it was only the mirror. I mean, who actually uses that particular mirror anyway, right?
I wondered where you were....I hope everything is ok with your family. No drama, ya know? Drama sucks.
no it was just sitting on the street like normal....and yeah we had drama...
New Yorkers are NOT nuts - the rest of you goombas are nuts!
Now you got firewood for those roof top bar-b-que's.
Stuff like that drives me nuts! Just enough damage to inconvenience you during the holidays...
micky-t- ok mister half full - thats a bright side except the wood is still green and it is a city tree -but I do like the positive twist.
buff: EXACTLY!
Eww, what DOES a city tree smell like when it burns. LOL
Let it air dry on the roof for 3 months...it'll be good to go!
Oh man--sorry about your car! Bad tree!
Those eggs with chile and avocado look SLAMMING!
Who cut up the tree? Was it this same stranger who is washing your car? I didn't think there were nice people like that anymore? Must be the holidays.
One night in 1986, my husband and I parked our 1 year old Cadillacs side by side, mine backed in beside his, so he could get out his driver's door and open mine for me. There was a rainstorm that night; the next morning, the tree behind our cars had come down and crunched in the driver's sides of both cars. Homeowner's insurance paid for them, but it took a while. Relatively speaking, you were lucky. And you can send that neighbor to wash my cars in December, if you want!
I have a chiminea ready for the wood...and I will make you one of my 'Happy' Egg Nog drinks and we will have a good laugh about what life throws at us! Glad you and your son are ok...
Hope your weekend goes a little better! Glad the damage was only to the car.
sheesh I hate it when that happens...man that bread looks good!!!
You poor thing! You sounds like you're having a rough time!
Why was that guy washing your car? Weird! My husband would have freaked.
ouch! You're lucky the damage wasn't worse!
Do we get an example of your deep seated psychological problems? An altar boy stories you can share?
Okay, so you are the THIRD person I read that had damange done to their car, but at least you weren't driving it at the time like the other two were!
And some random person was washing your car? Strange, but kinda nice too, huh?
First off..the picture of your egg platter...priceless. You kill me with the colors.
Secondly...I am totally loving that you took a picture of the guy washing your car without letting him know that you were the owner...awesome!
OMG - I'm so happy the damage wasn't worse than what it was!
Well, at least he wasn't peeing on your car. And who needs a driver's side mirror anyway! :-)
"strange neighbors 'washing' it. (I dont know this guy)"
you still crack me up. Happy Holidays.
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