If you have not made your pepitas yet then you are way behind the 8 ball, if you dont know what pepitas are then you shouldnt even be in the game. Pepitas are pumpkin seeds that have been salted and slow roasted, they are a big part of making mole with an accent on the e. They are half the reason I like pumpkin. The other half is carving it and the other half is figuring out what to make with the pulp. Wait thats three halves. I could be John McCains running mate with math like that, dang hold on I could be John McCain - confusing and pleasing where it seems like every one gets some as long as they work for it, and those that work harder get more and as a result get to be more fat, kind of math. Fat seems to be the new thin and dumb seems to be the new smart. Anyway I dont live in a 'swing' state I live in NYC and you all know how we 'swing' we ARE the media elite. You know what that means right? We think we are smarter than everyone else - at least thats how we have been branded, and brands are worse than tatoos and I dont have a single tatoo! I am arrogant like that. Tatoos are for....well I'll let you decide, but I have been branded regularly. (just blabbing again)
So the smarty pants that we are makes me make my own marshmallows. These are my first attempt and I am hoping for a tasty lime marshmallow with these striking blue streaks.
Happy Halloween.
The marshmallows look good and taste good but they are a little on the gooey side - I think next time I will not use corn syrup.
I made a little pumpkin soup with wild rice and asparagus from some of the pumpkin I scraped out of our jack-0-lantern, and I think I am going to try and make a pumpkin/chevre cheesecake. Stay tuned.
Second update:
Better marshmallows, pineapple flavor.
Happy Halloween!!!! This really takes me back, I havent had roasted pumpkin seeds since I was a kid. I think thats what I am remembering anyway.
Hmmm so your not a tattoo fan?? Interesting, I am trying to work out where you were going with that train of thought, you will have to let me know..........this might be what brings on "the end" hee hee
I hope you all have a wonderful night!!!
mandi: not on me anyway - I have seen some nice ones here and there
I miss not carving my own Jack O Lantern, and roasting pumpkin seeds... No kids at home anymore...
Yes! I DID roast my own pumpkin seeds. It seems I can handle that at least.
But making your own marshmellows?? I never heard of such a thing.
LOVE the pumpkin!
Happy Halloween!!
I love pepitas! (I'm planning on getting some discount pumpkins tomorrow to make more)
buff: just get the pumpkin to eat then..whats stopping you
bina: good job on the pumpkin seeds...marshmallows are easy you just whip a sugar syrup with gelatin and a marshmallow is formed
tavolini: discount pumpkins, I want discount pumpkins.....I am thinking pumpkin chevre cheesecake....
happy halloween, you elitist!!!
pumpkin cheescake...YUMMY! send some to me,...you know where I live. Or do I have to blow someone to get some cheesecake? ;)
Ooh....forget I said that.
ooh, that soup looks great! I added a pic of Tavo to the mix.
Thanks for the Featured Publisher recommendation--I'm excited about all this!
beth: like I told you before about the t-shirt - you can start right here and you will certainly get a recomendation
tavolini: you are welcome and it sure did happen fast!
whoa...you are SO domestic! that's hot.
You're doing all sorts of neat things--blue marshmellows, pumpkin soup...
Never heard of pepitas. got better things to waste time on than making marshmallows, because I'm a fan of the store bought ones anyway. Told my kids that the day they come home with tattoos is the day I stop paying any of their bills. The kids can carve their own pumpkins, but I still make costumes.
How's that for random answers?
TK: Yeah I am 'house trained' can you believe it?
TBD: just trying to be a good dad
marjie: roasted pumpkin seeds - are you sure you havent heard of them..marshmallows like this are not like anything store bought - the kid carved the pumpkin....
Pepitas we have- in abundance-homemade marshmallows- wow! I had no idea?
I had a wild rice hot dish for dinner that The Handyman made. His family sends it to us from Minnesota. You'r marshmallows kinds of look like divinity. (the first batch) Happy Haunting!
We'll see who has pumpkins half off today... Marshmallows... who'da thunk! I'm kickin' around making a version of an Almond Joy soon..
Well, if you'd just said "roasted pumpkin seeds" instead of being all fancy, I wouldn't have been so clueless *sigh*. We roasted ours today. Needed the salty antidote to all that sugar the boys collected last night.
I've had homemade marshmalllows, and they are so much better than the ones in stores. Those first ones probably taste fine, but the second ones look prettier. I like pepitas, too. All these dishes look great!
*sigh* You are incredible...I love the soup, it looks fantastic..and a Marshmallow maker to boot, go on with your bad self! And by all means keep on rambling..sounds good to me!!
Oh and a VERY belated Happy Halloween to you!!
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