If you have not made your pepitas yet then you are way behind the 8 ball, if you dont know what pepitas are then you shouldnt even be in the game. Pepitas are pumpkin seeds that have been salted and slow roasted, they are a big part of making mole with an accent on the e. They are half the reason I like pumpkin. The other half is carving it and the other half is figuring out what to make with the pulp. Wait thats three halves. I could be John McCains running mate with math like that, dang hold on I could be John McCain - confusing and pleasing where it seems like every one gets some as long as they work for it, and those that work harder get more and as a result get to be more fat, kind of math. Fat seems to be the new thin and dumb seems to be the new smart. Anyway I dont live in a 'swing' state I live in NYC and you all know how we 'swing' we ARE the media elite. You know what that means right? We think we are smarter than everyone else - at least thats how we have been branded, and brands are worse than tatoos and I dont have a single tatoo! I am arrogant like that. Tatoos are for....well I'll let you decide, but I have been branded regularly. (just blabbing again)
So the smarty pants that we are makes me make my own marshmallows. These are my first attempt and I am hoping for a tasty lime marshmallow with these striking blue streaks.
Happy Halloween.
The marshmallows look good and taste good but they are a little on the gooey side - I think next time I will not use corn syrup.
I made a little pumpkin soup with wild rice and asparagus from some of the pumpkin I scraped out of our jack-0-lantern, and I think I am going to try and make a pumpkin/chevre cheesecake. Stay tuned.
Second update:
Better marshmallows, pineapple flavor.