What do most people like, fancy food or comfort food or comfort fancy food? Of course we want it to look good so then 'fancy' becomes subjective, of course we want it to taste good so then fancy has no purpose, of course we want quality and thats where fancy can share the stage with comfort. I think for most people its all of the above. I hop makes pancakes 'fancy', for example, and it works, they seem to taste better because they look better, put ice cream in anything called a 'terrine' and you feel fancy. I have a kid and he eats everything I offer him, he has friends who do not. His friends do not have the palate that my kid has because of their perceptions of what is 'fancy', you see to them I hop is the bomb but a crepe with honey and a mild chevre topped with fresh vanilla cream is not. Not that my kid is the Frank Bruni of kids because he is not it is more the point of learning to eat. I grew up eating anything that came from the farm and that included some funky cheese and goat parts that should have remained goat parts, plus the summer months of melons and tomatoes and cucumbers and all kinds of veggies galore (finally I get galore in there again) so I have no fear of food. Maybe this is a post about food fear? What about you? For a long while when I was young I did not eat squash (BUT I loved calabaza - google) because of its conjugations with 'squish' it sounded 'mushy' even though I did not know what it was. (turned out to be mushy after all) but I do like it now.
I guess I forgot to mention is that while I no longer live in the country, the country certainly lives in me. I like the exploration and I am thrilled and glad to have you with me.
Squash.... makes sense right? what if I offered you some vegetable called.......'broken'...some foul smelling green... and it actually tasted good, and in another language it was called 'creamy grass' or some word like 'pasto' and then it wasnt 'broken' anymore.... explain.
I do fear some foods...that one guy who hosts Bizarre Foods or something like that?..he eats some really strange things in some other countries that I couldn't even get near!
But my kids, when they were little, ate EVERYTHING cuz they were offered everything...just try it, see if you like it. I think people/parents don't offer their kids stuff if they themselves don't like it. Poor kids miss out on a lot of good stuff, if you ask me.
now about those crepes....w/ gorgonzola...
beth: do you want a how to? great idea... I can post a video of that...crepes ...
I don't fear actual food per se... more uncleanliness associated with preparation. I have some pretty obsessive habits in that regard...more of a personality/anxiety issue than an actual food issue.
I will try most stuff, well, like Beth somethings are a little too bizarre for me.
I guess if I didn't know what it was it would be different, huh? I'm a country girl at heart myself....but the DH loves hog brains and eggs for breakfast and I just can't bring myself to go there...yet.
andie: hogs brains and eggs...howlucky...is this usually or just special occasions
In the BB-Q contests, presentation is fairly important. Being a guy, I just want it to taste good, and regardless of appearance, I'm gonna try it! I consider properly plated food a bonus- It's akin to a "first impression"- you only get to make one, but it doesn't guarantee good eats!
I have no fear of food - maybe because I've traveled through the US and abroad and try to eat the local favorites wherever I go?
I do have a food "issue" though - texture. In addition to food that looks good, smells good and tastes good, I want it to feel good in my mouth.
My dad grew up with French culture and he ate, and enjoys, tongue,pigs feet ragout etc. Sorry to say- not me. I was always a picky eater- didn't even drink milk- still don't like creamy things (can't wash a dish that has had macaroni and cheese). But I love trying new food that other people cook for me out!My daughter is not so picky except she doesn't like sweets! Interesting to think about post.
YES!!!!!! But I bet you hear that from women all the time, don't Dog? ;)
If it does not move a lot while it is on the plate I will eat it or at least try it.
I grew up in the country and I am still there. My mother was a French war bride but that is as close to Julia Childs she got. Not the best cook in the world. My dad on the other hand was an ace!
As a kid if it had feet, fins, or feathers I've had some. How about some sweet potato stuffed raccoon? Or perhaps some boiled and mashed cattail root?
My problem now days is my wife! Due to her years of working the trade she insists on serving every meal.Balance on the plate, proper height, garnishing, and overall presentation, all things she does when she serves a meal.
The girl, all 105 pounds of her lives for food. She grows it, saves it, prepares it, and enjoys being creative with it! I forage and hunt both generational traditions in my family. My wife insists on doing the butchering very fussy girl. Her crown roast of venison is a thing of beauty!
I'm a very good sport about food, and so is my son, but my daughter is super picky. However, if I put fruit out, or serve anything as a "shape" or a "face" both my chilis will gobble it down! Tonight I think we shall have pork stars. :)
i eat with my eyes & nose first and fancy is an interpretation to me. i'm lucky as well to have a kid who eats good foods and loves my cooking. now she's in the kitching conjuring up creations. she grew up with a real chef dad and a foodie mom. I guess we've made her a food snob. where in the "country" did you grow up? we love to make crepes!:)
I fear that I have passed my fear of things that don't "look good" down to my children.
buffalo: yeah but if it looks good it helps...
dana: texture is important and contrasting textures make a big difference
aka: creamy huh? no smoothies for you.
beth: not as often as I would like...
slip: sounds like you have got it made...
snow: pork stars....I wanna see, I wanna see
debbyd: New Mexico, 20 miles south of Albuquerque.
har: common problem, I see it all the time...bummer.
I love that rhino!! Especially because I So Don't Do Mysteries is about a rhino heist. Oh my gosh.
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