Who doesnt like dessert? There are times when the dessert is so enticing that I will intentionally give myself a small portion of the entree so that I can get to dessert sooner.

With all the fresh fruits available right now its hard not to want to get them all and I invariably end up getting too much. My solution, sorbets and ice creams.

I had made some avocado ice cream and then I made some cantaloupe sorbet and also some wineberry sorbet. Wineberries are a fantastic berry - somewhat of a cross between a raspberry and a strawberry and they are wild!

All three were great on their own but together it was like a chamber concert of deliciousness.

The sweet creamy avocado ice cream balanced nicely with the tart wineberry sorbet and the cantaloupe sorbet danced between them both like a ballerina.
We have already had the avacado ice cream discussion and I am not gonna go there again. The other 2 look wonderful, is that homemade waffles on the side??? Yummy..
Nice. A little bit of everything. I have yet to try the avacado ice cream. How did you like it?
sent to soon...forgot to say that I love how creative you've been :-)
snugs: dont knock it till you try it - its so good! and yeah those are homemade waffles...
dawn: its good, it is rich but so good. thanks so much thats so nice to hear!
Looks amazing! The wineberry sorbet reminded of grandma. She would have strained every seed! I think it is a wonderful, diverse trio.
I've never had wineberry before. Sounds awesome, if it's a cross between a raspberry and a strawberry.
I still want some of that avocado ice cream.
Oh, I am intrigued by wineberries. All three look amazing...and luv your sweet heart-shaped waffles, LOL :D
melody: I thought of straining the seeds but the nutty crunch stopped me
jenn: its a wild berry but it seems raspberry like with a strawberry twist...
girli: mid-july is when they are available around NY - yeah my old fashioned norwegian waffle maker..LOL!
I wish the whole plate would dance my way!! Dreamy delicious!
Sorbets... Ice creams.... love them! the wineberry sounds so wonderful, must give it a try!
wineberry is a new one on me. never heard of it. you are adventurous with that avocado ice cream. would love to try some.
oh man...and i just gave up a trip to Baskin Robbins cuz I was thinking "I'm going to be good" and you throw this at me? Not fair!!!
Love the colours of the ice-cream, so vibrant and blissful.
Avocado ice cream is fascinating...never saw one here.
Angie's Recipes
damn you make pretty food!
There are those wineberries again!
I made an avocado ice cream for my daughter and her friends and it was actually quite a hit! My daughter's friends all asked their moms if they could make the avocado ice cream like that for them at home :)
I would love to try the wineberry ice cream, that sounds good!
I've never heard of wineberries but they look good in the form of ice-cream!
That wineberry sorbet looks awesome! Do you deliver ice cream...or wineberries:)
I've been thinking about ice cream makers, do you use one?
I had the same feeling about avocado ice cream too snugs until I made it myself. It's awesomeness! This is trio of tantalizing tasties Mr. Gonzales! I wish you'd enter my dessert wars contest...we need some testosterone over there.
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