ready for grilling
on the grill pan
lightly grilled
The rolls were stuffed with fresh ricotta and a tangy sheeps milk romano then a swift grate of nutmeg and salt and pepper...oh and the zuchini bits that were too awkward to roll were chopped up with some garlic and mixed with the cheeses.
This is the salad I made out of the rolls topped with a salsa of grape tomatoes and fresh corn in a quick shower of homemade vinegar and sea salt.
oh are freakin KILLING me!!!! What IS that in the middle? It looks good and gooey and melty....
damn you Dog!
thank you Beth. Yeh, what's the center?
zuchini bits?...Did you mean Zucchini bits?.....Touche'
deb: I MEANT Zucchini bites...not toupe'to you too.
oh did I forget to say...fua la...
There are so many things to make with zucchini. It seems like not many people like it. This looks great!
michelle: whats not to like?
did not mean to split (hairs),
just always funning it.
I do not speak 'French'
but I'm pretty sure your momma would wash your mouth out with soap for that last comment... LOL!
Dog this looks sensational!!! What - no chili in the ricotta mix???? That might be nice!!!!
is everyone REALLY this sensitive? Oh my momma...why you gotta talk about my momma?
I speak these languages not my wanna bring it up you bring it up to me....compres vous,sabes,intiendes, get it?
mandi: I used it as garnish but didnt take a picture.
I've done a zuccini boat, cup, but never in a wrap... good idea!
buff: anytime I have an excuse to use ricotta I jump on it...
goodness! that looks fantastic! What did you stuff them with?
YUMMY! So when did you say you were coming to cook for me.
Those looks delicious. Do you have a job or do you just cook all day?
tavolini: ricotta, romano, garlic and zucchini bits
spin: soon....
michelle ann: no and no...these only took 10 minutes....
Excellent colors, and shapes! It looks very tasty!
i am SO turned on.
wala...that still cracks me up. how about segway? that's a GREAT mispell.
anette: it tasted colorful too
TK: I think of you when I express myself with vegetables...
Holy mother of deliciousness DoggyB. I have been away from your blog far too long!! What's not to love about those z-bites? Nothing, that's what!
p.s I love your new blog look too. Chez Awesome. :)
z-bites ... I like that name for them
It took me a while to figure out what "wala" meant, and after I did, I thought you didn't know how to spell it. Now I've caught on.
Need THAT recipe please, C. PLEASE???!
Zucchini with ricotta..mmm! I kinda feel I should add something more to the stuffing. Any suggestions?
snow: these are so good I cant stop making them..
joy: z-bites is a great name - that snowelf is such a word wizard
claudia: the recipe is in the description...zucchini sliced thin, cheese mixture - roll up and cook...if you need quantities e mail me.
coco: these have ricotta, romano, nutmeg, garlic and bits of zucchini as well as salt and pepper - maybe some mozzerella would be good
NOW you have my mouth totally watering!!! I didn't know you could even DO that and now I WANT THEM!!!! God that looks good.
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