Michael Phelps has redefined what a breakfast of champions is with his enormous caloric intake but in my world it is only a couple of things that constitute this said breakfast. Wheaties, of course being the most normal first choice since they coined the phrase, Posole with menudo is one of my main choices for a championship breakfast followed very quickly by easy eggs, buttery grits and fried catfish. The first time I had this delightful breakfast was about 20 years ago at Wilsons. It was a new idea that I was reluctant to try but I am glad I did - I loved it.
Upon revision, I come back here and see a blushing monkey.
This breakfast joins the 'revered' world of exotic breakfasts as - the blushing monkey - It looks just like that - go on - squint....look out 'toad in a hole' were comin' at ya'.
This version is a tad different as I didnt have catfish but I did pick-up some plump and juicy cod that I used instead - apparently I like a lot of fresh ground pepper. Try it, you'll like it.
Yum!!! What a decadent breakfast! My favorite breakfast is chilaquiles. That's the best!
god i love grits.
oh man--I do LOVE some grits. This looks fantastic, Doggy.
There is a breakfast place by our house that serves blackened tilapia over white cheddar grits. It's one of my favorite breakfasts (huevos rancheros and a bloody mary will always be my number one)
That looks freaking delicious! Except for the catfish. I think I've mentioned before I don't like sea food ... or fresh water food! LOL
EXCEPT salmon of course.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a grit? I've never heard of them, yet I must say it all looks tasty...
michelle ann: I hear you on the chilaquiles but I would have to lean more towards a chorizo and egg taco..
TK: miracles never cease to happen...
tavolini: that tilapia sounds good and huevos rancheros does too - I guess I forgot and left out 'any kind of eggs benedict' in my list...
bina: funny how you like a strong tasting fish yet you do not like 'seafood'...
queenie: grits are milled hominy corn - it is porridge like or more specifically it is polenta like...
I've tried it....I've liked it....I've loved it!
That looks fabulous, as for the pepper - I agree wholeheartedly!!!
Whats happening with 'her' - she hasnt posted for a while, say HI from me.
I posted you a reply!!! LOL
You win- I'm in! Too much pepper? I've never seen that- certainly not on that stuff you cooked!
I've never had grits and I've never had fish for breakfast. It looks delish! I guess it really doesn't matter what time of day we eat huh??
ok girl on no carb diet drooling here. that looks so so good & Meg & I totally see the Monkey!
Your breakfast is a beautiful dude. Respect!
beth: aye ree....
mandi: laughed off the entire ordeal..she is fine
buffalo: get up stand up stand up for your rights........
michelle: its good...trust me
Deb: yup I wanna go to i-hop and order a 'bashful monkey' with extra butter.
Zen: we need to talk...I have an idea
I've never had any kind of fish for breakfast and have been trying to think how that would be. I like all that food you described and love grits all kinds of ways - especially shrimp and grits.
I bought a pork butt roast and need a good way to cook it tomorrow. Any ideas?
See? A start!
joy:let me guide you.......gee whiz...cook the frik'n food.
I found some recipes that look good since I have quite a collection of cook books. I used to cook quite a bit but am not imaginative and creative the way you actual good cooks are.
that's it no more reading your blog late at night....now all I want to do is find someone to cook some grits and eggs for me...RIGHT NOW,.....fat chance at this time of night...lol
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