Ten years ago I took this photo....(well almost 10) its blurry because its a photo of a photo through a glass frame.....
Update years later....I wish I had been doing this every year but ........oh well. Still not thin, still not over tan - much shorter hair, and the kid is a whole world different!
How sweet...love the picture of you and the little guy.
Heckofa neat photo idea! I blinked, and my sons had grown up...
How beautiful! Amazing that you were able to get almost the same photo 10 years later. What a special picture that will be to your son in later years. I don't know why, but this is really emotional for me.
What a great dad you are.
That is such nice picture! Must bring back some memory?
what a cool idea--and you do have a better tan now, eh?
That's awesome, C., thank you for sharing that!!! I love watching people shift and change.
I love seeing Daddy and child pictures....it warms me to my core. Lovely, lovely memories to make. You all are lucky to have each other.
awwww Dog!! That is so perfect!!! I love that!
You are such a good dad and a total sucker for The Pup! ;)
michelle ann: It is sweet isnt it.....
buff: I dont want to blink-my eyes are dry from keeping them wide open
bina: I did it on a lark from memory so I didnt have the pose exact
that's a perfect body. well...that's MY kinda perfect body. sorry Banana!
spin: It does bring back the memories when he was so little
tavolini: I am actually darker than I look...
claudia: shifting and changing is just two more words for aging....
andie: It warms me to warm you...
beth: He has me right where he wants me...today I let him play for two hours at the apple store(some computer game) while I sat there watching him
tanya: thanks - is it ok if I call you cupcake...
They grow so fast! My twins are 20 years old. Wow, where did the time go?
Wow- how cool is that. Very special and very touching- like an echo through a time machine.
Great Photo's. I love the comparison.
The pup looks happy to me.
My Chicklet is now ten and I swear she was 2 yesterday.
That's a great picture.
Give yourself a break - you look great!!!
Great idea, you can update it in another ten years!!!
Your an amazing dad, but I have told you that before!!!
Love the pictures! How sweet and what a treat to see you two at different times. Thanks!
I love him so much I want to put him in a 'love' head lock everyday just so he 'remembers'...
Aw, that's sweet.
I hate it when all of a sudden your kids are big! It's sad and scary. I live at the beach, so I love beach pics.
I am not a BS'er. I can totally feel how much you love the pup. And I don't even know you. There is no way he will ever forget.
Your boy is going to love you like I loved my Dad. My Dad always spent time with me and I knew he loved me. My favorite thing that I have of his was a rock that he picked up of the shore in Bermuda and he carved my name on it (sitting on the beach) and on the other side carved Bermuda and it fits in the palm of my hand.
He never let me have it (but showed it to me)and after he died as we were going through his things I found it. I can't tell you how much I cherish that old rock because I know my Dad was thinking of ME while he was in Bermuda....My Dad loved me and I loved him:-)
I love it! I like the evolved you too.
You little guy (who is not so little) is lucky to have a dad who hangs out at the beach with him.
Adorable...I love both pictures...thanks for sharing them, it is very touching!
hey christo, my brother made me an album that has pics of me when i was little and then of meg basically doing the same things as I was. this reminds me of that album which was the BEST gift I've ever received!
great pics doggy....especially touched because I am taking my son off to college on Saturday....ouch....hold em while you can....
Oh, I love it!
Nice hair. Heh heh heh heh heh.
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