
Monday, June 16, 2008


The pastele, to me, is the carribean version of a tamale, and while tamales are near and dear to me pasteles have joined them in that special place. I have never made a pastele and I hesitate to try. This recipe looks pretty decent and worth giving a try but there are so many places here in NYC for me to just buy some it makes little sense to try and make them. They range in price from $1.80 to $2.50 each, ask for the gravy and the hot sauce and have them unwrap it for you.

This is with only hot sauce since I had one there and brought two home. The dough made out of plantains and taro root is so flavorful and almost silky.


deb said...

tamales are dear to me too. so these sound tasty. we have one carribean rest. here in sac, Celestines, i do not recall seeing them on the menu. i wonder if you can online order them? cuz now i want some.
oh and i'm now moderation free. been born again
r'nt u proud

C. said...

LOVE taro root. I can smell you, I mean the pasteles from here.

CreativeMish said...

I've never heard of a Pasteles. You're fortunate to live in a city with so many cultures and so many opportunities. We don't have that priviledge in Idaho. We pretty much have steaks & potatoes, Mexican, Italian and Chinese... and most of these are really just food chains...

Christo Gonzales said...

deb: these are like the tamales exotic cousin...

claudia: yautia is the spanish word for this lovely tuber...

michelle: well thats NYC for ya...I am sure Idaho has some particularly Idahoan things...

buffalodick said...

Never even heard of one until now... Now I want one!

Christo Gonzales said...

buff: that was me the other day...not the never heard of em part the 'now I want one' part....I had to go to three places cause every one was sold out....made my obsession even worse.

Emily said...

Mmm. I want.

Spin said...

Never had tamales. Wonder if I can find them here? Looks really good. Gonna have to try my local coop.

Mandi said...

Thanks doggy for ur input!!

I havent had tamales in years - hmm getting a little home sick now! Have a great week.

Anette said...

Sounds interesting! Never ever tasted anything like it, but as usual I'm more than willing to try!

Angel said...

plantains and taro root....sounds like something from Top Chef!!! Looks good!!!

where's the videos dog??!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Looks yummy! Of course, finding one in Nashville, TN will be impossible. Maybe someday I'll get to the big SIT-AYE. :)

Gina said...

When I first opened your blog page....I thought it said "Pasties" as in something women wear over sensitive I chuckled when I read it was a wonderful Carribean tamale......

by the way....whatever happened to those Google ads with ambitious girls in skimpy clothing?


Unknown said...

I've never heard of these, and have no idea what they are. Is it Mexican food? A treat? Actual food?

Christo Gonzales said...

emillne: you would like

spin: get a can from Hormel its not the real thing but its still a tamale...seriously

mandi: coming from texas you should be able to make em' yourself

anette: try making them its just mushed up plantains and meat

beth: all I have to do is say something not used too often in USA and you nail it...god I love you!

real: you need to get to the big sit tay!

gina: and I always thought pasties were some kind of 'little pie'
I had to NIX the ads they payed but didnt reflect what I wanted.

bina: its spanish is a savory food...

Mandi said...

Yes Dog, should have, could have, would have - I like to think I can cook, but hey nothing like your talent!!! Remember my tuna salad, thats a good day for me!! ha ha

Anonymous said...

It seems like every culture has their own perfectly yummy meat pocket. This one looks divine. And what a bargain! Why even bother making it yourself when you can have the experts do it for such a great deal. Yum!

Lorena said...
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Lorena said...

The recipe you posted looks nice, even though it's not the traditional recipe! I've eaten the taro pastel and plantain pastel, but never taro and plantain together.

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