There is probably a version of this song in other languages, it has to be so because I find so many other things have cross reference why not a rain song - you know the one "its raining its pouring the old man is snoring..." that one. Raining like a mofo is whats up.

Remember the quail egg? Well it showed up 18 more times, funny having a dozen and a half quail eggs that come across as an egg but size up like a sample, so you end up sampling a lot, 18 times to be exact.

More than half were eaten with the sushi, raw with rice, wasabi and nori all dipped in sweetened soy sauce, but that happened late and there are no photos to prove it only half as many eggs. This, though, is a deliciously subtle variance on an escarole soup, a little carrot a little random green leafy vegetable from chinatown and a little quail egg. Tasty, healthy, low fat, light and filling - what more can you ask for? Now there are only 4 quail eggs left.

Speaking of eggs, wanna see my latest omelete? Four cheese, green onion, sauteed portabello, tomato and truffle oil delight.

Or perhaps some poached bad boys with hollandaise, sauteed criminis and ajvar?

Own the egg because I know I do.
I guess Quail Eggs do something to you! ;-)Otherwise, you wouldn't count them...
Don't know about the song...
Can't say I've ever eaten a quail egg but they must be fantastic! Your photos are some of the best! Very great presentation and beautiful! Yum!
So tired of this rain ! Go away!
Yes the quail egg .. A difference it did make!
Is the lovely egg top of watercress soup? Looks good... Going to make a pot of soup now
"he bumped his head and didn't get up in the morning..."
Those eggs are looking mighty good to this girl who could use some breakfast right now!
I do hate the rain - but love your dishes with quail eggs, especially that omelet, yum!
I winder where I can get quail eggs now... very pretty
angie: maybe it woke up my brain and made me want numbers...
pam: thanks a ton -
lishapisa: It wasnt watercress - it had some kind of ruffled leaf like carrot greens or parsley
reeni: thats the one....these eggs are so tiny its hard to stop at 6
5 star: the news said that if this was snow it would be the equivalent of 60 inches -
I winder where I can get quail eggs now... very pretty
a year: these came from a canadian producer -
here i sit with my boring latte dying for the motivation to get up and make some hash browns. and now I've come across your photos--life just ain't fair. LOL
I had one once, but wouldn't know where to buy them around here..
Eggs and more eggs, oh my! Do quail eggs have the same amount of cholesterol as chicken eggs? ;) Great pics!
I've only had quail eggs with sushi, never cooked. I wonder if they have any different flavor than chicken eggs. I've never had raw chicken eggs with sushi to compare them to. Great photos too, by the way, I love the mosaic at the top.
wow awesome soup, I need some quail eggs you make them look amazing
dear Christo, please come upstate and make me some eggs.
or open an egg themed restaurant!! oh, how cool would that be?
dawn: you had to say hash browns - damn!
buffalo: mail order?
bunky: they do not - in fact you should look into the quail egg its a whole other oeuf
papawow- thanks and I am 7 days into making my scoby - it doesnt seem to be doing anything
chow: you should get some - I am sure there are quail farms in your neck of the woods
LK: that is a great idea....
I have never experienced a quail eggs. You used your egss so creatively-the presentation is beautiful. I have no doubt that I would enoy all these meals.
btw, I hope it stops raining in NY soon. Spring is begging to arrive.
The raining like a mofo stayed east of us. The clouds and wind did not. Your eggs look good.
This one eggy-licious post you got here.
It's raining where I am too. I only have three eggs in the fridge. Do I bake or make an omelet like you?
Why not hard cook some eggs and mix them into sauteed cabbage and bake them in a pie -- Russian style. It's delicious! Check my blog soon for the recipe -- http://easteuropeanfood.about.com.
Hey Christo! Love this post. You always have the best pictures. I peeked at your little egg link and fell for the pink eggs. Being from the south, I have tried,and liked, pickled eggs. I've never seen pink ones, though. Am now scheming . . .
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