Guess what? Dont you hate when people say that and then actually make you guess, and then after you make some random guess they say "no, guess again" so you do and you still didnt guess right and then they say " ok then, never mind" and proceed to change the subject? I hate that too, so rather than drag out the mundane news I will spew it out. I am going to be a judge at a BBQ contest on the 27th! Cool, I know, but whats cooler is this will be the first of many I hope. Granted this isnt earth shattering news but it is something and frankly I have so many irons in the fire that I cant talk about so imagine how I feel knowing so many little secrets that I cant even give hints on. I can say that I am trying to get my OpenSky shop rolling like a runaway train. All this jabber made me hungry, lets eat.

Beef is versatile, you can grind it, grill it, boil it, braise it, broil it, dry it or even eat it raw. Let me set the record straight, I did eat a little of this raw with some truffle oil and himalayan pink salt but I only did it to "test" its flavor, me and the kid can not get enough of it raw but we try and limit how much we eat, or we would definitely eat it all.

These are braised beef tips with pan jus and gorgonzola and if you like how that sounds then say it over and over again faster and faster each time - ready - try it - braised beef tips with pan jus and gorgonzola.

You can serve this with a simple salad or add a mashed sweet potato or a yukon gold, tasty, easy, quick and addicting, go ahead eat some beef.
My husband does that to me all the time and even including the "no guess again". I think I'd rather have a root canal that go through the guessig game saga. Congrats on the Judge gig. Very nice. Love the beef tips. I grab beef tips every time at Costco. Really like that cut of beef.
My gosh, this is to die for with the gorgonzola and the beef jus. As you know, we love raw beef also and I can only imagine how wonderful it tasted with the truffle oil and sea salt.
Congratulations on being chosen to be a judge. Thats cool. Coming from one who's been there, take an antacid pill before you go. I promise you'll thank me later. But don't say I said so.
Heh, whenever anyone says "guess what" to me I always say no. I started doing it in High School, it turns the tables nicely. :D
The beef looks great! Tips are one of my favorite cuts.
oh wow, Judge Doggy....wish I could be a fly on the bbq pit there! This post reminds me of this to die for steak I had once at a restaurant that I can not seem to duplicate..maybe you can help me figure it out, they put a thin layer cream cheese & fresh herbs a top the steak...everytime I try it the cheese runs all over the place but when I was served it the cheese was a solid thick layer sitting all pretty on top of the hot steak...I can't figiure out what they added to the cream cheese and herbs to make it stay firm..any suggstions??
oh my what tastey tips you have....steak and blue cheese, it so reminds me of my years in the big apple. Remind me again why I moved.....
Do you think the BBQ competition will be fun, or do you think you'll eat so much bbq you'll never want to eat bbq again? I'm thinking a little of both. :)
Check out the KCBS website for judging criteria..it's pretty helpful.
Good Beef! That's what life is all about! GREG
Yeah well it's beef and it's gorgonzola...how could that ever be bad?
I just always end up saying "What? No really...what?"
Being a BBQ judge is great news. You get to taste the competition out there.
The beef with blue cheese.....the combination sounds and looks fantastic! Excellent shots!
Ahhh BBQ judge sounds like so much fun! I always get jealous when I see them on TV.
This looks so yummy! Have never tried raw beef!
Mmmmm a BBQ judge. How awesome! I'm jealous you get to eat all the delicious food...:)
This beef looks great too. I love gorgonzola...yum!
This is just so awesome, great recipe and guide
Looks good! Have fun with the BBQ judging.
I love any kind of blue cheese and I love beef but for some reason (for me) I don't enjoy them together. The exception to this is a Bacon Blue Burger.
Guess what? :P I visited your shop because I was looking for a potato ricer.
Congrats on being chosen to judge - hope that all goes well!
(and this dish makes my mouth water)
Looks delicious and simple at the same time. Good luck with your judging.
Congrats on being a judge - great news! This is a beef dish I could love!
Great dish and pictures! Congrats on being a judge! What fun to be on the other side! ;) I have survived on sugar tonite at a baking contest...can you email this dish to me????
I love beef tips!
Just fill my plate with the tips, nothing else please.
Yum with gorgonzola!
oh wow you will be a judge what fun love the beef always feel hungry on your blog
I wish you were my neighbor....
great looking piece of beef there even though the presentation is very simple. Great name too:D And I am glad you did not put us through the guessing game. Congrats on being a chosen judge:D
:-) on 'guess what?'. Interesting combination of beef and gorgonzola.
hey! i have himalayan pink salt too! And i just saw a food network thing on gorgonzola stuffed beef. i'm gonna try it..dont' tell my veggie friends.
ever watch the best thing i ever ate? more than half the damn restaurants are in new york! you've got so much work to do!
More cheese please.
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