Escargots à la Bourguignonne - whew thats a total mouthful in more ways than one. I was so excited when I saw the box from Black Star Gourmet and the first thing that caught my eye was the lovely flash of green poking out of these special little mollusks, I almost tore right into them on the spot but it was only nine in the morning.

Terroirs d' Antan escargot are plump and tasty with the garlic butter not overwhelming and the lush freshness of the parsley being sustained from the first one until the last one. Excellent little bites.

These escargot were so enjoyable as an appetizer for two I can only imagine how decadent I would feel if I had all twelve.

Check em' out!
YUM yum yum! i love my escargots!
Escargot has got to be one of my all time faves!! These look awesome :-)
We had a big snail problem at our home in California. I know it's not the same, but those little buggers kind of ruined Escargot for me....silly, I know.
Your photo sure does look good though!
mmm... would like to try some!
they look beautiful but snails??? ewwww!
I love slugs! With garlic, even better! However I taste them for the whole day and beyond...
Yum. I love the garlic butter--escargot, good, garlic butter, better. :)
wow your did such a good job with these delicious
dawn: me too!!!
wicked: thanks they were so tasty
table: dont freak out on these they are actually pretty good
ron: they are worth trying
mini: dont think about them and enjoy the garlic butter
buff: they dont repeat like that - maybe its the garlic
chou: garlic butter is better - agreed
marjie: dont you know it
chow: thanks so much but they pretty much did themselves
Well they certainly look lovely. Not my scene though, heh.
Those shells are so pretty. I haven't had escargot in a while. They are so delicious.
That's why you just eat appetizers all day long; 9 am is perfect for escargots & Vino (Hey, wine's not just for breakfast anymore.
I've never had escargot, but i think if it was made the way you had done it, then I'd give it a try.
I'm a pesco vegetarian but I am loving these! (I guess I no longer am pescatarian). I once had escargot at this one restaurant and oh my gosh, it tasted like mud toilet water (not that I have tried that before).
I'm sure this tastes divine!
Escargot are definitely one of my favorite things! Thanks for the tip - I look forward to trying them in the near future:)
Ooo, yum! Very nice, I so need to make escargot at home!
It has been years since I've had escargots!
bob: you lost me at "scene'
nova: shells is shells...
doc: its 0 - clock everywhere - I like your thinking....
Oh yum! Love escargot. Haven't had it in way too long!
Christo, you're killing me! I love escargot and the parsly touch makes my mouth water. Yum!
OMG you need to send me that pronto
I've never tried snails-does it taste like shrimp? I remember someone mentioning that they tried "snail curry" and it was almost like eating shrimp!
I've never had this type of snails.....see in Nigeria we get larger snails which we cook differently. Someday, in France....I'll give this a try!
Escargot. Another food I've never had. You are expanding my palate exponentially these days.
I can't even remember the last time I had escargot! [Sigh] After savoring these, I would even keep the shells . . .!
I've tried to do this so many times as they always look so appealing, but I can't get them down. Can't do it. The garlic butter was always divine, lol.
I'm sorry-- I can't do snails.
Something I've never tasted but would like to--escargot. The look lovely!
I truly believe that I could eat escargots for breakfast, lunch and dinner. These look delicious...and now I'm craving them.
How pretty are those escargots! Nice presentation and they look really delicious. I haven't had escargot in years.
Escargot one of my favorites!! One of the best ones I ever had was in Bogota Colombia at a French Restaurant there...Amazing!!! Luv your Blog!!!
Did your raw escargot look like these?
I have had escargot lots of times in Guyana but I somehow cannot bring myself to have these. The look big and scary and the other thing is that I find them feasting on each other.
Like Table Talk said, the African snails are a real problem for us here in B'dos and it kind of turned me off from escargot.
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