I just found out that I was/am Foodista's blog of the day!

Here is a simple roast chicken breast with caramelized onions, mushrooms and spinach with reduced pan sauce.
I let my guests arrange their own plates because they wanted to play "blog" and "photoshoot" and this is what resulted. Yup it tastes great but between you and me it isnt the best presentation in the whole world.

A few days ago Natasha at 5 star foodie made these little pearly delights and I got so inspired I had to try it for myself. It was easy but I dont think my results were nearly as perfect. I will try a savoury version next time and also try and incorporate it into a dish. These are pomegranate and grapefruit "caviar" that I made as a test, they had great mouth feel.

I stayed up way too late last night and as a special treat I gave myself a midnight snack, there was some left over spinach and it was calling out to me. Big posting week coming up - I have a lot of photos to process.
Whoop Whoop... And we can say we knew you when
Congratulations! You are one of the stars in the blogging world!
^5 man!
Congrats on being blog of the day! Great photos!
Congratulations! BTW I need to learn to not look at your blog in the morning before I have eaten. I'm sitting here looking at your food and my stomach is going nuts :)
Congrats on being featured on Foodista! So glad you tried the caviar. It took a few times to perfect the way the caviar looks and mine were still not quite uniform as I liked them to be, but with the new syringe I used it allowed for more control.
Woot! Way to be. :D
Congrats dude!!!
Looks good, Mr. Featured Blogger!
Good Job! Your fame grows...
Woohoo...That's awesome!! Congrats!!
I remember seeing those little pearls. I still want to try it gor myself. The do look like fun to make.
Congrats on blog of the day! :D
Awesome job! Congratulations!! I love the poached eggs on the spinach in the last pic! That's my kind of snack!
Three dishes, one post. That is very outgoing of you. Not That I hadn't already figured out you were no shrinking violet. Congrats on the Foodista thing. I think they don't like me... which isn't that surprising. GREG
all the food looks great, as usual, but that last one? with the eggs and spinach? damn you Dog! gawd that looks good.
Thanks folks!
congrats I second what Angie said lol
Wow, congratulations! Very nice :-)
Looking good! Congrats on the blog award-well deserved. What did you make the paerls out of?
I saw Natasha's post on Persephone's tears and just thought that idea was the coolest thing ever. Congrats on being the blog of the day!
Congratulations on being Foodista blog of the day! The fruit caviar look so colorful - I'd love to slurp 'em up. But most of my attention is focused on those lovely, lovely poached eggs!
How cool is that? A great big congratulations and well deserved too I might add.
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