This is over about 10 years ago since the little guy is so little.
Time certainly has a mind of its own.

March makes it five years now that I have been writing this blog; it hasnt always been about food. Early on I stumbled and fumbled trying to find my voice as a blogger. I like to write so that part wasnt the problem, I used to write in journals so doing it regularly wasnt the problem, I used to make images so using images wasnt the problem. The problem was my journals were not always rated PG13 so I had to figure out how I was going to get my "voice" out there while at the same time understanding that a much bigger audience was going to be seeing it. One day it hit me, start showing people what I love to do and what I am doing regularly and that is cooking and experimenting in the kitchen. I have loved to cook since I was a wee lad growing up in the sticks in New Mexico and have studied it more than anything else. I am so happy to bring a little bit of me to you and I am even happier that you bring some of yourselves to me. I have met some wonderful people both virtually and in reality and it is this connection that keeps me going. I have to say that it is far better than writing in journals, journals that you could only see if I happened to show them to you, journals that would get destroyed if a jealous partner read something that they found objectionable (I guess thats a great time to have comment moderation), journals that would even sometimes get lost. Blogging has opened doors that I never knew existed and it continues to open more and more doors, windows and possibilities. I remember how I had to explain to people that "didnt get it" why on earth I would continue to do this, whats funny is now some of these people are the first to ask when I am going to post something new since they have now become 'armchair bloggers' quick to send an e-mail about a recipe or process they liked or a location I was at or whatever, they dont have blogs but they do have one through me.
so I am an armchair blogger huh? I love your blog and I love you, you have brought much joy to my life as well as 10 or 12 unwanted pounds with all your dishes I run out and recreate!
Congratulations on having endured five years with your terrific blog. May you have many more to come. I am a relative newbie compared to you. I love that your voice comes through loud and clear on your posts. keep on keepin' on.
Happy 5th blog birthday! And, many more.
Five years? Wow! Well, happy blogiversary. Keep up the good work!
Your post gave me courage! I just started my blog about a year ago and did not know it would require so much discipline and dedication! I love it though.
Happy 5th year and many more to come!
Congrats on five years! That's impressive. Here's to another five!
Congratulations!! Five years is very impressive! Glad I found your blog, and can call you my friend in NY!
Congrats Dog! It's been a pleasure knowing you these past 4 years....you've added so much to my life...XOXOXOX
We are different enough to learn from each other, and when we talk occasionally on the phone, it's like I've known you all my life! Keep on, keeping on!
well i'm certainly glad to have you as a fellow blogger since I learn a lot about food combining--with foods I've yet to try I might add. as soon as i finally make it back to nyc to see friends you and the ms. and myself need to hook up.
(sorry i didn't call you, i would have bitched the whole time anyways...lol)
Happy 5 years! Although I have only stumbled upon your blog in the past year I have enjoyed everything you have written. Here is to five more!
Wow.. 5 long years is amazing. Congrats buddy. You have really rocked. :) Keep it going.
5 YEARS!!!!Wow-Congratulations!
Hats off to you :)
Happy anniversary! I'm certainly glad you continue to share your thoughts, your food and your unique voice with the world instead of writing a journal. Your creations inspire me a whole bunch...speaking of...
The tortilla pizza in your last post - to die for. I'll bet my son could eat four too.
Great post and congrats on the 5 years. I have so many friends that when I tell I have a blog, they look at me like I have two heads. I'm so glad I stumbled upon ChezWhat? Love your blog.
Congratulations on 5 years. That's a great accomplishment. I remember when I started out one of the first recipes I tried out was one of yours. :) Woohoo...
Wow! 5 years is amazing... You have a great blog here and I enjoy the variety of life you share with us.
5 years... makes me feel insignificant... what am achievement
oh i am so pleased i have meet you and enjoy your blog Rebecca
Happy Five! I'm glad I found you through Tanya Kristine!
wow...happy happy 5 years! Thumbs up for you!
wow 5 years?! That's a really long way. Congrats and keep it up!
Great picture. 5 years ago, I presume?
Congrats!! Keep up the good work. Your style and voice is fascinating and I'm always curious to see what crazy ingredient you decide to use next. You were one of my first readers and I'll always appreciate that.
Congratulations! I love reading your blog. You are an inspiration.
Congratulations on your 5th year of blogging and thanks for sharing yourself and your family with us. It is always a pleasure to read you.
Though I'm relatively new to your site, I love you and love your blog. Congrats on 5 years!
i am so happy that I am here for you five year anniversary! A big congrats to you! xoxoxo
So you were blogging before, well....everybody else got on the bandwagon! Reading your blog and others has really opened my eyes to all the great and creative people out there. I love to see what cool creations you have on your table!
And many more to come! Your voice - clear and concise - rises above the din in the blogosphere. Thanks for letting us share!
That is something to be proud of for sure. Congrats on 5 years!
Congrats on 5 years, wow!!!
Love the fish! :) Congrats on five years! I have enjoyed your blog and sharing comments. Here's to many more blogiversaries!
Congrats on 5 years of food blogging.
You are one of the pioneers.
You have a terrific following of friends (me being one of them!).
Here's to 5 more!
Congratulations on reaching the five year mark with your terrific blog. I didn't know about blogs five years ago. I'm so glad I finally jumped on the band wagon and met cool friends like you.
Keep up the good work.
5 years of good work, only getting better as you go along.
you were/are so hot.
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