Now is your chance to get a great deal on truffle honey! Stop by my shop at OpenSky and get your jar now! I have extolled the joys of this deliciousness before and you might have wondered how and where would you find this stuff? Wonder no more. In case you dont know this is Acacia honey with bits of truffle - it is still sweet but it also has the added greatness of truffle.

Truffle honey is great on chicken - I mean absolutely great! See those little flecks of truffle?

If you dont want chicken have it on fish! One taste of this unctuous nectar and you will be wanting to put it on everything - really. Hurry on over and get yours NOW!
Amazing how there are so many flavors of honey, depending on which plant the nectar was taken from...
Looking good. Will have to stop by your store. I'm not sure what Open Sky is all about.
I love the local honey I get from my farmer. Never heard of savory honey before!
WOW. Looks amazing!
I still have some truffle honey. Should try it on fish.
Oh...liquid gold how I want you in my kitchen.
The truffle honey looks and sounds fabulous! It's just not in the budget for us this week :(
Sounds like a new ingredient to truffle (I mean triffle)with-Interesting!
This honey sounds really delicious!
Yum, I'm in! This would make a nice little hostess gift for my sister-in-law who's hosting Easter this year. And, of course, I'm going to need a jar for myself!
oh sounds very cool
OMG..it looks very very good!
I think I am going to try find the honey here.... the chicken looks very good.
I love, love, love honey. I put it on my pizza ;)
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