"A thousand posts by summer - pshaw, how will you do that mister doggybloggy" I will tell you how.....cheating - thats how.
Here is the first of, hopefully many, guest posts and this one is brought to you by my wonderful bl
og friends down in Georgia - TAVOLINI!
Guest Post—Tomato, Artichoke and Havarti SandwichMy favorite aspect of blogging, (beyond actually just sharing my thoughts and opinions) is the blogging community. It's great to get to know your fellow writers. Tavo and I have read many of their blogs regularly for years, we comment back and forth, we see each other grow and change.
One of our early readers, DoggyBloggy, was instrumental in keeping us blogging as well as entertaining us with the food he was cooking and eating. Needless to say, I felt more than honored to do a guest post on Chez What. So, how about some Artichoke, Havarti and Tomato Sandwich?
We are in the process of moving back into our home, after a major house fire and a few months of DIYing a little rental bungalow we'd purchased in Atlanta.

We definitely had to take a break from moving and opening boxes to eat every now and then, but there was no time for cooking anything elaborate. (Check out the
Felix Berroa in the bed of the truck)

I did find this nice, ugly gem of an heirloom tomato at the market...

That, combined with a bit of pumpernickel, some artichokes, yellow mustard and a couple slices of Havarti yielded a quite the sandwich. I would have added some spinach, too, but mine had gotten a bit questionable. The best way to do this is just broil each ingredient, then layer and broil the next. It wasn't necessary with the heirloom, but roasting can definitely help an off season tomato taste a bit better.

(This is particularly good when coupled with a nice beer--Georgia started carrying
Fat Tire just this last week--that works!)
Sincerely, Lini

TavoLini (Here's us in Doggy's neck of the woods, a couple years ago)