The mystery surrounding this is compelling, yet it does not compare to the sushi 'crime' I once witnessed.
Definite road kill verging on some kind of fruit jerky, situation.
I saw it from a distance and approached slowly. You can trust that when we hear on the news that there is a cow loose in Manhattan we go about our jaded ways but we do so with a little more caution. You can understand, then, why a 'tomato incident' would catch my eye.
I am still on this case and I will keep you posted on any change in status.
The anticipated 'drag queen christmas' never got off the ground, its hard to be the only queen around a bunch of beards and no one wanted to be the queens bitches.
I'm intrigued....
Andres got the boardgame 'Clue' for Christmas... I'll put him on the case!
I've GOT to know the story behind this one!!!
Can this be categorized as ....road-kill?
...or maybe it is the return of the killer tomatoes sequel...what a darn waste...I feel for the person that dropped them and was afraid to follow that old five second rule...I would have retrieved them to a nice bath, and then devoured them!
ok, I wanna hear the sushi crime story now..
So many scenarios running through my head, all of them deliciously gruesome! One of them involves a hamster and an armadillo, actually...
At first I thougt it was the day that everyone throws tomatos in the street at everyone...??
No drag queen Christmas!!
you got me....
no less than me
me too
I'd hazard a guess, but....I so don't do mysteries! (Come on, you saw that coming, right? ;) )
hey there - hope you are OK...
I've got a theory: I think it might have been a gang riot. Note there is no yellow tomatoe casualties!? Guess they won this round!
You do know you're hilarious, right? AND I wanna know more - lol!
Tomatoes don't bounce as well as some foods...
...tomato rodeo?...
If you were down here, you'd been scraping that off the ground for supper, not taking pictures!
You have posted a lot since I last was online!
I'm sorry to hear the drag queen christmas didn't work out--but it's nothing a few splatted tomatoes and some tamales won't cure :)
You were right about the east village. Between free car washes, men lugging heavy things up your street tied to ropes and squashed tomatoes, this suburbia thing is really getting boring.
Happy new year my foodie friend.
tomato incident! i love things like this. i once saw a raw chicken incident. it's somewhere on pinknest. merry christmas!
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