Since I am still without camera I had to use my phone camera to bring you these lovely grilled guineos that we treated 'bananas foster style'
I keep buying Casio XLIM cameras, I am caught in an endless loop of them offering me great upgrades or, and thats a big or, pay the same amount to have them fix mine. I upgrade and each time get a new one year warranty. My feeling is that if I spent this same amount on a more expensive camera I would be involved in the more expensive loop. I am not rough with these cameras but they do go with me everywhere and usually in a cargo pocket in my pants (I have them in a case) Point is we went from a 7 to a 10 on megapixels and we are psyched (scroll around on that last link and find the megapickles, I think this is one creative mofo a maverick) Speaking of mavericks I dont know if I should have made my face more orange or my hands more red in that top gun photo.....see always the maverick - I just dont care! By the way in case you havent said it right yet it is pronounced shay what not cheeze whiz what.
I am not the endless typist so I cant 'tell' you what we did even though it involved a tropical storm. I have tried to describe the tasty bites we have had in the past to no avail so why would our recent tasty bites fare any different. As a result we are left with our imaginations, like imagine that buffalodickdy has a birthday this month ( along with a few of my cousins, some friends and me) September is popular, just ask Green Day.
Pretty good photos from your phone camera, the photos I loaded last week of my mum etc, were from my phone camera too!!! Not bad.
I posted a whole post in honour of your question........go see......
megapickles....i loved that...bookmarked that one. I am sans camera now too :( My LCD screen bit the dust when we hit a bump on the ride home last week and it fell off the dash.
Good photo.. Those phone cameras do a decent job in a certain range..E-mail me your shipping address for a birthday present!
Small sweet bananas, Hmmmm....
I'll keep my thoughts to myself on that!
How about 2 cameras- a cheapie to put in your pocket and a nicer one for the more formal occasions?
I'm a plain old canon powershot owner myself, wish I knew more about it!
I'll have to try these small banana's sometime.. My daughter and my Grandson are Sept Birthdays. And now a wedding! Its is a good month..
The small bananas look yummy. I wonder if they have them in my stores around here. I will check into that. Yeah great pictures.
You know, I hated bananas for most of my life. Liked banana bread, but otherwise, they just tasted too sweet. Which is really too bad, because they are a very near perfect food.
I wonder if grilled bananas would taste better?
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