Chow fon with spicy tripe. I have to tell you that this sounds bad out loud and looks worse on paper but boy o' boy does it taste good and this size, which is ample, is only a buck seventy five.
Look happy customers leaving and happy customers ordering.
Once I got the belly happy its easier to shop, I dont feel so impulsive and I wander more and while wandering I noticed these happy fruits - any one care to guess what they are? If you said 'dragon fruit' you are right. They taste like kiwi (sort of) but they look like who knows what. The pulp is a grey white with black specks and it is so sweet and so fruity that you dont mind paying $6 a pound for the best ones.
Fish heads anyone? These salmon heads go for a couple of bucks each and are used to sweeten the soup pot, and sweeten they do, salmon is so rich and oily and a soup made from these is so hearty.
Sometimes the offerings are so pretty that you wonder whose fish tank they came from. They blend right in with the ice and they were so delicate and - well - pretty. These fish are as big as your palm.
It was a nice slow morning in Chinatown and it lent itself to questions I dont normaly have to deal with on busier days, like explaining my camera, for example.
Then I came home and made a cake. This bad boy is a chocolate coconut delight with a buttercream frosting. For the liquid I used coconut milk so it has double impact on the coconut. Go have a listen - this touched me.
Dog, I GOTTA coem to NYC and go to market with you!!! everything looks amazing...even the tripe...AAACCCKKKKKK!!!!!
I want a piece of your cake..
that cake is gorgeous! I ate that huge cupcake! It's sitting like a brick. Glad to see you had a fun, fishy, tripy day!
Aah! that was sweet with the cup cake! Was it your birthday yesterday? Well if it is: Happy birthday Le Chien, from your friend in Norway!
and I just forgot: What IS that what you ate?? It looks mighty scary!
I'm pretending that tripe is ice cream because it looks like it to me, and I'm sticking with that delusion.
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dearrrrr Doggy! Happy Birthday to you!!
Boy, would that be fun to do! Happy B-day!
oooh, yeah, that first pic looks a bit scary to me. Though I did eat tripe back in my meat eating days--couldn't pass up a good bowl of menudo.
Happy Birthday!
MMmmm mmm! Not on the tripe, on the cake.
And yes, I DID paint that! ;)
Wow! that dragon fruit looks almost too pretty to eat!
And fish heads? I would throw up on them. That's just nasty.
Love the video. I can't believe, that in today's day and age, someone does know what one of those are!
Dog...You ahve SO many people who are going to call you now!!! was it your birthday??
If it was, then
If it wasn't, then.......
fuhget about it!! ;)
so much carnage.
however the cake is delightful.
Don't know about the fish heads, but I love that cake!
Man! That cake looks amazing...
Me want!
Is today your birthday?? This cake looks fabulous! Yummo!
Now that tripe is a different story. I'm not going to say anything bad because I've never tried it. I know the local stores sell alot of it around here.
Hope it was a fab day since you are a fab person! Happy Happy!
That cake looks delish!
The cake and the fruit look amazing. I'm not so sure about the other stuff.
That cake looks amazing!
I don't know about the tripe. You're way more adventurous than I am.
I saw the dragonfruit when I was there, but I didn't buy any.
Wow. You have a lot of women that read your blog.
your day is fabulous!!! and look at that cake!!! this is too much. happy birthday doggybloggy!!!
Wow...that meal on top, the tripe, looks awesome for a buck seventy five. I KNOW, I would love it!
Breakfast was almost as good looking as the one your Uncle Tony made for us this morning. We did not see the red chile or totilla's anywhere.
Breakfast was almost as good looking as the one your Uncle Tony made for us this morning. We did not see the red chile or totilla's anywhere.
Breakfast was almost as good looking as the one your Uncle Tony made for us this morning. We did not see the red chile or totilla's anywhere.
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