this clothing ad was banned in France in 2005
This is a puzzle I have never had a straight answer on. Brunch is strictly a weekend late breakfast that could include breakfast and lunch items so that one is scrubbed. Lunch is lunch there is no mystery there. Dinner or Supper thats where the confusion begins. When I was a kid we asked 'whats for supper' and that was the last meal of the day but as we grew older the terminology changed and we started calling that last meal 'dinner' making supper obsolete in my family. I have not used the word supper to refer to anything unless for some reason I am in a Jesus conversation (rare) and reference to the last supper is made. Some people, I have gathered, call lunch dinner and dinner supper and I am guessing this is only on weekends. I dont really know for sure.
I call it Dinner, My husband calls it Supper...
In the Northeast, CT & Mass, I heard a lot of old timers call lunch "dinner". Blue collar workers of WW2 & earlier vintage used to take their "dinner pails" to work. Me? I serve dinner between 8 & 9 PM, lunch is DIY, and breakfast isn't in this line of commentary....
I think it depends on your age as to which descriptive you use. Most people over 65 will usually refer to lunch as dinner, and the last meal of the day as supper, because when they were younger the main meal of the day was lunch so they called it dinner.
My mother in law still does.
Hope that might help!!!
When I was growing up, I heard breakfast, lunch, and supper. Generally I say dinner for the evening meal but have been known to say supper now and then.
Just to throw another one out there for you (and I dont know if this is just relevant in Australia) but another word used here for Dinner (as in the evening meal) is Tea!!!
You hear lots of kids saying to their Mums "whats for tea"
So there you go..........
michelle: I call it supper whenever I am feeling 'country'
marjie: its dinner and its in the evening, supper feels more like around 4 o:clock to me
mandi: both you and marjie make sense
joy: I dont often say supper but I think I am going to start
mandi: I heard about the tea vs. dinner thing and I thought about including it but it seemed to be too much...this 'tea' thing goes back to when the big dinner was at lunch.
Breakfast is breakfast.
Brunch to me is a late(but before 11am)breakfast.
Lunch is the mid day meal unless it's Sunday- at which time we call it Dinner.
Supper is the last meal of the day.
buffalo: breakfast can be served anytime but typically between 4 am and 11 am, lunch is from 11-2, brunch is from 10-4 on weekends, dinner is from 1-6 on sunday and from 5-10 on weekdays, supper is from 4-8 daily....hows that?
"Dinner" is the noon time meal in South Dakota, where both of my parents are from.
Not too bad...
We call it both here supper or dinner. I don't do brunch.
Supper (dinner)
I call it delicious.
Tavolini: but what about you?
buff: I keep it simple really, I just call it 'time to eat'
deb: structure only a kid could love
blonde duck: hopefully anyway....
Here in the South...supper is on Sunday, sometime after lunchtime. But who knows?
I'm with the supper unless it's a special meal. I guess I'm a bit on the country mouse side- or got the common touch!
Here, in TN, lunch is diner and diner is supper. Where I grew up, in Ohio, I never heard of Brunch, but we had breakfast, lunch and supper.
real live: sounds good enough to me, I like to say 'sup on this' it is 'sup' right?
starrlife: I guess I'm a little bit rock and roll - wow together we are Donny and Marie Osmond...
bina: really? no brunch in Ohio? good to know.
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