
Monday, December 30, 2013

Before the year ends and another begins

I continually express my love for my job and I will continue to do it until I can do it no more. I am so blessed that something I have longed to do and something that I am innately skilled at is the very thing that I am doing. For most of us cooking is many things: cooking is how we feed our families, cooking is how some earn extra money by entering into contests, cooking is time alone, cooking is creative and the list could go on and on and on but for me its an art and I treat it as an art and I teach myself new techniques and I try and master the ones I know and I keep working at it and working at it and working at it because I can never get it completely right. I want to wish everyone a fantastic 2014 and you can believe I will be over joyed to share it with you and you can be sure that I will do my best to teach and be taught.


Joan Nova said...

Well said!

I've enjoyed our sharing over the years and look forward to more of your colorful creations in 2014.

Best wishes to you and yours in the New Year.

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

I am in accord with Joan - well said. Wishing you continued success in the new year Christo.

Velva said...

Happy New Year! You keep doing what you love, and we will keep following.

was-was said...

verry nice blog,.. i liked and loved your blog :)

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