I have every reason in the world to be happy. All the toublesome stuff that was plaguing me is resolved. My son is a happy boy, I have a new car (even though I cant seem to give away the old one) I am healthy except for this nagging itchy feeling in my ear canal and this sniffly nose I have had for a few days, I am not broke, I quit my dumb job at RadioShack (dont ask) I feel creative again, my dreams are vivid and entertaining, I cook better every day, yet I am not as happy as I should be. Is it because I am not married? Is it time I found someone to settle down with I mean after all I am 46? But I am 46 with an 8 year old boy that lives with me full time, in fact it is time with him that no matter what he brings me endless joy - but endless joy is not the same as being happy.
source of endless joy playng and talking on the phone